Distributed Tracing in Microservices / Spring Boot


Image Source: https://epsagon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Illustration_What-happend-1.png

Hello everyone. In this article, let us read about distributed tracing in Microservices

What is Distributed Tracing?

In a Microservices architecture, a request can travel across multiple microservices to build the response and send it to the user. If something goes wrong in some microservice, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint where it goes wrong. Here comes the application of Distributed Tracing.

Distributed Tracing is the process of tracing every single request from the point of origin up to all the services it touches by analyzing the data. Every request will have a Trace ID, timestamp, and other useful metadata. With this, we can see how long the request spans across a particular microservice, and also we can get the metrics to improve the latency.

Image Credit: https://dytvr9ot2sszz.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Traces-and-Spans-diagram-from-jaegertracing.io_.png

Benefits of Distributed Tracing

  • End-to-End Visibility of the user request across the entire system of microservices
  • Provides information about service dependencies
  • Metrics and observability
  • Resiliency when the system encounters a failure



Dineshchandgr - A Top writer in Technology

Principal Software Engineer and Technical Lead focussed on Backend Engineering who likes to upgrade the tech skills and share knowledge to the community