Distributed Transaction Management in Microservices — Part 1


Image Source: https://miro.medium.com/max/690/1*ZbA4HrE9XKF4FziPs2MNfQ.png

Hello everyone. In this article, we are going to see about distributed transaction management across Microservices.

What is a transaction?

A transaction is nothing but a series of actions that must execute successfully. Even if one of the operations fails, the entire steps must be rolled back in order to leave the application in the previous stable state. A transaction has the following ACID properties

Image Source: https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/cdn-uploads/20191121102921/ACID-Properties.jpg

Transactions in Monolith and Microservices

In a traditional Monolithic application, there will be a single large application connecting to a single large database and such applications stick to ACID properties.

The transaction boundary starts inside the service layer and can be committed or rolled back based on the outcome of all the steps in that transaction. In the case of Microservices, each microservice runs a specific business area and maintains the Single Repository Principle(SRP), which means each microservice maintains its own database and another service should not the other service’s database directly. So the transactions…



Dineshchandgr - A Top writer in Technology

Principal Software Engineer and Technical Lead focussed on Backend Engineering who likes to upgrade the tech skills and share knowledge to the community