Docker Steps for Kubernetes (K8s#2)

The most common used Docker parts for Kubernetes

Dario De Santis


Before you start learning about Kubernetes concepts and trying to create your local cluster to put in practice some proof of concept, you need to know how to define an image for a container because that is the starting point for having a deployable application on a Kubernetes cluster. With this goal in mind, let’s see how to create a simple application and package it into a container image.

If you’ve lost my previous articles on Kubernetes, you can find them at the following links :

Installing Docker

For this step, you can follow the official Docker guide if you have an OS different from mine (I’m working on Ubuntu 20.04). Below I put the commands I’ve executed to get things done.



Dario De Santis

Software Architect, writing about Java, Spring, Microservices, Kubernetes and Cloud-native programming. Editor for Javarevisited.