Exploring What’s Inside java.util.concurrent Package (Part 1)

Just the stuff you need for your day-to-day programming tasks

Ruby Valappil


java.util.concurrent package in Java contains Interfaces and Classes that make concurrent programming possible.

What is Concurrent Programming?


In a program, when more than one process appears to be running at the same time we have concurrency. Why appear and not in real? If two processes are actually running at the same time we have parallelism.

We are not getting much into the concept of concurrency but rather exploring the content inside the java package that makes concurrency possible.

NB: It will not be possible to cover all that’s mentioned in the content segment in a single article, so I will cover them all in multiple parts (hopefully two would be enough).


  1. java.util.concurrent
    a) Executors & Future
    b) Concurrent Collections
  2. java.util.concurrent.locks
  3. java.util.concurrent.atomic


The main components contained in this package are — Executors, Queues, Timing, Synchronizers, and Concurrent Collections.

