Foojay Podcast #11: Looking Back to 2022 and Predictions for 2023

Frank Delporte
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023


A few weeks ago, Ted Neward published a post in which he reviewed the predictions he made one year ago and added a long list of predictions for 2023.

In this Foojay Podcast episode, we talk about these predictions, and we even found an analogy between what has happened at Twitter in the last months and the history of Java!


Ted Neward (, @tedneward)

Podcast host

Frank Delporte (, Frank Delporte


  • 37'49 “Hiring will accelerate at the end of 1Q/2023
  • 46'03 “BOLD TWITTER TAKE: Elon will sell Twitter (perhaps involuntarily) at the end of 2023, to another tech firm (like Microsoft or Oracle)
    - Comparing to the history of Java when it got bought by Oracle.
  • 54'37 “Cloud will begin to shift
  • 1:04'32" Looking for an engineering or devrel manager? Hire Ted!
  • 1:05'16" What will be the next “oriented”?
    - Functional versus or combining services programming?
    - Low-code and no-code?
  • 1:13'51" Conclusion

Originally published at on January 16, 2023.



Frank Delporte

Follow me on - #JavaOnRaspberryPi - Java Champion - Author 'Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi' - Azul - Pi4J - BeJUG - CoderDojo