Getting Started With Spring Boot With Postgres
Beginners Guide to Using Postgres with Spring Boot
Published in
7 min readFeb 16, 2023
Originally Published in
- The goal of this article is to set up a Postgres database with sample data and then use Spring boot to connect with the database and serve data to the end user as the rest endpoint.
- Note that this article is beginner-friendly. All the codes have been made available on GitHub
- In future articles, I will use this setup to demonstrate some of the advanced databases, and JPA concepts ( associations, partitioning, sharding, transactions, etc) using the help of setup performed in this article.
Install Postgres
Install Postgres Database
- I have a mac environment so my commands are most suitable for mac. i believe there are equivalent tools to install on the respective environment like windows and Linux.
#install database
brew install postgresql
# start database
brew services start postgresql
- Once we started the service, we can log in to the default postgres database