Hiring PHP Developer Is Headache: Reduce It By Knowing Few Tips To Hire PHP Developers

Amyra Sheldon
Published in
7 min readJul 6, 2022

Image Source: eTatvasoft

Are you a business owner looking to outsource PHP development? Well, it can be a headache. There are so many PHP developers out there; how do you know which one is the right fit?

This blog post discusses some tips to help make the process easier and reduce the chances of making mistakes. Follow these tips, & you will be on your way to finding the perfect PHP developer for your project!

Who Are PHP Developers?

PHP developers develop and maintain websites and web applications written in PHP. PHP, a server-side scripting language, is widely used to create dynamic websites and web applications.

PHP developers must understand both front-end and back-end technologies, as they will often be required to work on both. They must also be able to work with databases, as PHP is often used in conjunction with MySQL.

What Makes A Good PHP Developer?

When you are looking to hire a PHP developer, there are certain qualities that you should look for:

In-Depth Understanding Of PHP: PHP is a complex language, and a good PHP developer should have a deep understanding of how it works. They will be able to write clean, well-organized code that is easy to maintain.

Create Configuration Files: PHP developers should be able to create configuration files. Configuration files are used to store information that is specific to your website or application, such as database connection details.

Be Familiar With PHP Frameworks: PHP developers should be familiar with popular PHP frameworks, such as Laravel and Symfony. These frameworks can help speed up the development process by providing a set of tools and libraries that can be used to build PHP applications.

Debugging Skills: PHP developers should have excellent debugging skills. They should be able to find and fix errors in their code quickly.

Working With Databases: PHP developers must be able to work with databases, as PHP is often used in conjunction with MySQL. They should be able to write SQL queries and understand how to optimize them for performance.

Use PHP Core Functions: PHP developers should be familiar with PHP’s core functions. These functions can be used to perform common tasks, such as accessing files and interacting with databases.

Familiarity With Other Languages: PHP developers should also be familiar with other languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It will allow them to build dynamic websites and web applications.

These are just a few of the qualities you should look for in a PHP developer. When you are hiring PHP developers for your next project, be sure to ask about their experience and skills to get a better idea of whether or not they would be a good fit for your project.

Tips To Hire the Perfect PHP Developer For Your Project

Now that we have gone over some of the qualities that you should look for in a PHP developer let’s discuss some tips and tricks to hire PHP developers; they will help you hire the perfect PHP developer for your project.

  1. Pro In Website Development And Maintenance

Are you are looking for a developer who can help you with your project, look for someone proficient in website development and maintenance. It will ensure that your website is up to date with all of today’s standards. And if there are any bugs or errors in your site, they will be able to fix them quickly.

2. The Best And Not The Cheapest

It can be your biggest mistake to hire someone because they are cheap. Ask for the expert’s portfolio, and don’t fall for someone who only has a few projects that have taken a short time to complete.

Make sure that you take your time with hiring, as it is a critical aspect of any business, particularly when it comes to web development.

But most importantly, look for experience first because it is not only more important but also more valuable. It may come in various forms, like working on similar projects or finishing formal programming education.

3. Good Understanding Of Backend And Frontend Technologies

When you are looking for a PHP developer, make sure that they understand both backend and frontend technology. It will help them understand how your website is supposed to work.

It is crucial to understand what they are saying and vice versa. They should also be able to explain things so that you can understand.

PHP is a backend language, but it is often used with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic websites and web applications. Therefore, a PHP developer should have a good understanding of all four of these technologies.

Moreover, to find a dedicated PHP developer, connect with the best PHP web development company.

4. Effective Communication

You don’t want to hire a PHP developer who is hard to talk to or doesn’t speak English well enough to explain their process clearly. The person you hire can communicate effectively.

This is important because you need to understand what they are saying and vice versa. They should also be able to explain things so that you can understand.

If they cannot communicate with you, there is no point in hiring them. PHP developers can easily communicate with clients to understand their needs and requirements.

5. Positive Attitude

If there’s one thing that no one wants in a developer, it’s someone with a negative attitude. It makes it difficult to work with and creates an uncomfortable environment for everyone involved in your project.

Look for someone who can provide solutions instead of problems because the chances are that if something goes wrong during development, there will be plenty of those! And if they have a positive attitude, they will be able to solve these issues quickly and efficiently.

6. Independent

You don’t want to hire PHP developers who need constant supervision or instructions on what they should do next. They should be able to take the initiative and act independently without waiting for you to tell them what is next.

Because when you’re paying them by the hour, every minute counts, so look for someone who is self-motivated and knows how to get things done quickly and efficiently without any outside help or guidance.

They should know how best to approach projects from start to finish and how much time each task takes on average to prioritize effectively based on what needs doing first and most urgently.

7. Knowledge Of Different Programming Languages

Image Source: WatElectronics

Your developer must work with many different programs and technologies. So make sure that they have experience with multiple languages, such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and MySQL.

This will ensure that they can create a site that is mobile-friendly and responsive to various devices. They should also know how to use any frameworks that you may need on your websites, like Laravel or Symfony2.

If they do not know how to use certain frameworks, they should at least be able to teach themselves so that you don’t have to waste time teaching them yourself when you could be focusing on other aspects of development instead.

8. Experience With Frameworks

If you’re using a framework like — CodeIgniter or Yii2, look for someone who has used it before. They should understand how it works and how best to implement it on your website so that there are no problems later down the line when development begins in earnest.

Because if they don’t know what they are doing, they could end up making mistakes that will cost you time & money to fix. And if they do not have experience with these frameworks, make sure that they can learn quickly so that you don’t have to waste time teaching them yourself when you could be focusing on other aspects of development instead.


It is not so easy to hire dedicated PHP developers for your startup or project. We have to face a lot of challenges during our hiring. As you know, there are a lot of free resources available on the internet, but still, every time, it becomes tough for an entrepreneur to find good quality developers for a project.

There are some tools like oDesk, Freelancer, etc., which provide an excellent platform, but again it is difficult to find a perfect match with your requirement over there too, and in this case, it’s better to follow the tips and tricks to hire PHP developers.



Amyra Sheldon

I am a tech enthusiast, project manager and a passionate writer with digital thinking. I write about latest technologies ie Blockchain, IoT, AI for ValueCoders.