Top 5 Tips to Grow your Medium Following (It works)

Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2022


How I got 50 followers and 3935 views in my first Week as Writer on Medium ? Tips If I Did It, You Can Do It.

How I Got 50 Followers and 3935 Views in 1 Week on Medium

Hello folks, its been more than a week since I started writing on Medium and also made to the Medium Partner Program. Since I have benefited a lot from the personal success story on Medium, I also decided to share my experience.

This also a great way to keep memories and record of your journey so that when I look back, I can see how I started and How I grew on Medium.

In this article, I am going to share my tips and tricks to grow your following views, and earning in Medium and what works and what not works so that you can also learn and grow your Medium following and earning.

To be honest, I am not new to Medium, I have been around from a couple of years but I was just a reader, never thought of writing on Medium. Now and then I do comment on article I liked and my following organically grew to close to 70 followers, I realized this only last week when I thought to give it a short to writing on Medium.

Actually, I wanted to start writing on Medium as part of my New Year Goals but then I thought better to start today then tomorrow and jumped into writing. Anyway, enough of my story, now let’s jump into the things I did to grow my medium followers…




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