How long does it take to learn Blockchain in 2024?

It can take anywhere between few weeks to few months depending upon your goal

9 min readJan 6, 2024


How long does it take to learn Blockchain?
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Hello guys, if you want to learn Blockchain technology in 2024 and wondering how long does it take to learn Blockchain then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Blockchain certifications, courses, websites, and books and now, I am going to answer this question for you.

So, how much time, does it take to learn Blockchain technology? The time required to learn blockchain varies based on individual factors and learning goals. Gaining a foundational understanding of blockchain concepts, including decentralized ledgers and cryptographic principles, may take days to weeks.

For those aspiring to become blockchain developers, additional time will be needed to acquire programming skills and delve into smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and development frameworks, extending the learning timeline to several weeks or months.

For a comprehensive grasp of advanced concepts, architecture, and ongoing advancements, continuous learning over months to years is essential.

The key to expediting the learning process includes setting clear goals, engaging in hands-on projects, utilizing online resources, participating in the blockchain community, and building a practical portfolio.

Adaptability and a continuous curiosity to stay abreast of industry developments are crucial in the dynamic and evolving field of blockchain

You can learn Blockchain and become a certified blockchain developer, smart contract developer or blockchain engineer. Unique features of Blockchain, such as decentralization and immutability, could help in developing unique tamper-proof records of transactions on a decentralized network of computers.

The continuously increasing demand for certified blockchain professional roles in blockchain-based projects also invites curiosity regarding learning Blockchain.

The average annual salary of blockchain professionals ranges between $70,000 and $250,000, depending on the role and experience required. Let us find out how much time you would need to learn Blockchain in this article.

If you are in hurry, I suggest joining a comprehensive program like Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains (CEBP) which will not just teach you blockchain basics but also tools, practices, and blockchain case studies. 101 Blockchains is a nice place to learn anything and everything related to Blockchain.

How Can You Learn Blockchain?

If you want to find how much time you would need to learn blockchain skills, you must know how to learn about the practical uses of Blockchain. Blockchain is a comprehensive and sophisticated technology that leverages cryptography to ensure the extensive security of records.

At the same time, it is impossible to modify the records on the blockchain network after they have been implemented. The interest in guides to becoming blockchain experts has gained significant momentum in recent times. You can find many sectors utilizing blockchain technology in different capacities, such as finance, supply chain and retail.

Blockchain applications based on smart contracts, dApps and cryptocurrencies have opened up new roads for efficiency and productivity.

How will you start learning Blockchain with so many concepts and applications in the field of Blockchain?

The answer would direct you toward the essential components of Blockchain any beginner should learn for their career. Here is an outline of the most notable concepts you must focus on to develop blockchain expertise.

1. Understand Blockchain Fundamentals

The first step in becoming a certified blockchain expert starts with blockchain basics. You need to familiarize yourself with the technical foundations and architecture of Blockchain. The scope for developing your career in Blockchain depends on how well you understand the technology behind Blockchain.

Rather than familiarizing yourself with the definitions of important terms, you must learn about Blockchain with a practical perspective. How? You can learn blockchain basics with the help of Getting Started with Bitcoin Technology and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals training courses on 101 Blockchains.

The two training courses offer the advantage of learning about Blockchain with the help of practical examples of its applications.

2. Learn about Smart Contract Programming

The next important answer to “What skills are needed for blockchain?” would refer to smart contract programming. You must familiarize yourself with the programming language used for creating smart contract code, such as Solidity.

In addition, you should also develop expertise in the use of smart contract development frameworks, such as Truffle.

The Solidity Fundamentals training course on 101 Blockchains helps you develop fluency in fundamental concepts and applications of Solidity. On top of it, the Smart Contracts Development course serves as an effective training resource for understanding the full smart contract development lifecycle.

3. Specialize in Ethereum Technology

Another essential addition among topics you must learn to become a blockchain expert would refer to Ethereum technology. Ethereum is the most popular blockchain platform for smart contract development.

Therefore, you cannot skip Ethereum basics in the journey of learning blockchain technology.

Furthermore, you should also emphasize how Ethereum works with a detailed impression of Ethereum technology. The Ethereum Development Fundamentals and Complete Ethereum Technology Course on 101 Blockchains could serve as effective resources for specializing in Ethereum blockchain.

4. Build Skills for Blockchain Development

The next step in developing your blockchain career points to blockchain development. You must have the skills for designing, creating, deploying and maintaining blockchain-based solutions.

In addition, you would also need expertise in blockchain development platforms such as Hyperledger.

The job of every certified Blockchain professional focuses on making blockchain solutions more efficient and closer to the needs of clients. You can work on improving your skills in blockchain implementation and strategy alongside diving deeper into resources used in blockchain applications.

The Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric training course on 101 Blockchains could offer a good starting point. Subsequently, the Hyperledger Fabric Development Course delivers a crucial learning resource for expanding your blockchain expertise.

5. Familiarize Yourself with New Resources for Blockchain Development.

The road for future developments in blockchain technology would draw attention towards blockchain skill paths which help you learn about new tools for blockchain development.

Ethereum is gradually becoming more congested, and developers have to incur higher costs for smart contract development.

At the same time, the cost of resources for running blockchain networks is a crucial setback for blockchain implementation. However, you must prepare with blockchain skills for using solutions, such as Polygon, for scalability and interoperability.

In addition, you should also focus on Blockchain as a Service model for resolving issues due to resource constraints. Learn more about the solutions for blockchain development with Polygon Fundamentals and Getting Started with AWS Blockchain as a Service training courses on 101 Blockchains.

6. Develop Comprehensive Knowledge of New Trends

The responses to “What skills are needed for blockchain?” would also draw the limelight on new emerging trends. Blockchain has spurred a wave of innovative value-based solutions with new functionalities.

You can find examples of such solutions in NFTs, DeFi, metaverse and tokenization. If you look closely, these solutions play a vital role in merging Blockchain and web3 together.

Candidates who want to become blockchain experts should also know how Blockchain fuels web3 growth. You can explore dedicated skill paths on 101 Blockchains for developing your fluency in DeFi, NFTs, tokenization and metaverse technology.

7. Learn about Blockchain Security Concepts

Another critical requirement for professionals to become certified blockchain experts would focus on blockchain security concepts. Blockchain is inherently secure by design, with the advantages of cryptography and immutability.

However, hackers could exploit vulnerabilities and compromise blockchain-based applications. In such cases, you would need concepts such as Zero Knowledge Proofs and best practices for ensuring data privacy in blockchain-based systems.

The masterclasses on Blockchain and Data Privacy and Zero-Knowledge Proofs available on 101 Blockchains could help you develop skills for blockchain security.

Are You Prepared to Learn Blockchain in 2024?

The different skills required to become a blockchain professional showcase the efforts you need to learn Blockchain. Now, you can find a clear impression of the time required for learning blockchain skills.

As a matter of fact, the journey of learning Blockchain is a continuous one, and you must learn different concepts.

The skill paths required for a blockchain developer or engineer available on 101 Blockchains could offer an organized approach to skill development.

If you need a blockchain certification, I highly recommend Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains (CEBP) which will not just teach you blockchain basics but also tools, practices, and blockchain case studies. 101 Blockchains is a nice place to learn anything and everything related to Blockchain.


In conclusion, mastering blockchain is a dynamic journey influenced by factors such as prior knowledge, specific learning objectives, and the depth of understanding sought.

Whether aiming to comprehend foundational principles or becoming proficient in blockchain development, the learning timeline can range from days to months.

Continuous learning is paramount, given the ever-evolving nature of the blockchain space. By setting clear goals, actively engaging in hands-on practice, leveraging online resources, participating in the community, and building a tangible portfolio, individuals can accelerate their learning curve.

The blockchain landscape offers exciting opportunities for those willing to invest time and effort, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and a perpetual curiosity to navigate this transformative technology successfully.

You have to cover a broad set of skills to serve the role of a proficient blockchain expert. Over the years, blockchain skill development has emerged as a top priority for technology professionals.

However, confusion regarding the selection of learning resources and developing effective learning outcomes leads to problems with the identification of a clear learning path. You can find the solution to such issues with 101 Blockchains, a leading pioneer in the domain of blockchain training and research, one of my favorite places to learn Blockchain technology.

When it comes to joining Blockchain courses on this platform you can join this individually or you can get a 101 Blockchain Membership which not only give you access of this certification but also several other powerful and in-demand Blockchain and Web3 certification and courses for just $25 per month on their annual plan (50% discount now).

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