How To Produce/Consume Messages With Java, Apache Camel and Kafka

A simple pub-sub message system with Java using Apache Camel and Kafka

Dario De Santis


Hello guys! Today I want to speak about producing and consuming messages with Java, Spring, Apache Camel and Kafka. Many applications today use streaming of events and message publishing systems to communicate each other. One of the last I’ve used is Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform which mostly makes simple publishing and subscribing to topics and getting great performance by parallelizing the consumers. This article is for anyone who want to use Kafka and maybe would do a simple basic usage exploiting the abstraction provided by another framework : Apache Camel.

Apache Camel is an enterprise integration framework (I like to call it the integration swiss knife) which is comprehensive of hundreds of ready-to-use components for the integration with libraries, frameworks and techniques known in the enterprise industry and in the open-source world.


In my last project, I’ve used Apache Camel to give the project the flexibility we needed with the routes and, while doing this, I’ve also used the abstraction that Camel offers to deal with Kafka topics. Our goal was to share a way for our microservices projects to produce and…



Dario De Santis

Software Architect, writing about Java, Spring, Microservices, Kubernetes and Cloud-native programming. Editor for Javarevisited.