Review — Is Coursera’s TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization worth it in 2024?

If you want to master TensorFlow, one of the most popular machine learning and deep learning library from Google then this Coursera specialization is definitely worth it.

7 min readDec 14, 2021


Is Coursera’s TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization worth it? Review

Hello guys, if you are looking for the best resource to learn TensorFlow in 2024 or just want to join Coursera's TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization but are not sure if this is right for you then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the best TensorFlow courses and best Machine Learning courses and today, I am going to review this popular Tensorflow certification from Coursera.

After going through this article you will find that whether Coursera's TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization is worth it or not?

If you are not living under the rock then you may know that Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence have slowly gripped the whole world. The market size of the artificial intelligence industry is expected to reach more than $299 billion in the year 2026.

Companies are trying to involve this technology in their systems like the recommendation system in Amazon that will recommend products related to your history purchases, which will generate more revenue or self-driving cars that will take the wheel for you, and the examples are endless.

The demand for artificial intelligence engineers is growing rapidly. It outstrips the supply, meaning having these skills in your belt will guarantee a good position with an average salary of around $118k a year according to and maybe even create your own online business that uses this science to solve peoples problems like artificial intelligent cameras for detecting guns and fires.

People think that they need years in the university to have experience in this field. Still, actually, it only requires you to understand the Python programming language and some online courses in artificial intelligence.

If you are in hurry and ready to start this career, I recommend enrolling in this TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization program. It’s totally worth it for people who want to master this popular Machine Learning library from Google.

Review — Is Coursera’s TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization worth it?

In order to find whether this program is worth it or not we will look into two factors, who is teaching, I mean instructor profile to confirm they are knowledgeable and expert, as well great in teaching, and courser content and how it's structured. The structure of a course is very important if you want to learn a complex library like TensorFlow in depth.

1. The Instructors Review

This course was created by the company, one of the leading companies in the AI field, and their instructors have profound knowledge of this industry.

The specialization has two instructors, one name Laurence Moroney and who wrote dozens of programming books and AI. The second one is Eddy Shyu, one of the co-instructors in Udacity.

If you look at their profile then you know both of them are seasoned instructors and taught more than half a million students. Lawrence is also the instructor of DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera and a Lead AI Advocate in Google so you will be learning from Google expert, one of the best in the whole world.

best TensorFlow Course on Coursera

2. Course Content, Coverage and Structure

Now, let’s take a look at the content structure and content quality of this Coursera program. In this part, you’ll learn what is covered and which online courses are part of this best TensorFlow specialization in Coursera.

2.1. Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow

First of all, this specialization requires you to have some knowledge in the python language and also some experience in TensorFlow and deep learning.

You will start directly by comparing the functional API to the Sequential API and how this first one gives you more flexibility in designing your model and learning to build a customer loos function that measures how well your model is and help neural networks learn from the data.

Later you will start making your custom layer and coding your own custom dense layer and a custom model. Finally, extend the TensorFlow model class to build a ResNet model.

Here is the link to join this course Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow

Best Coursera course to learn Models in TensorFlow

2.2. Custom and Distributed Training with TensorFlow

Starting the course by understanding the fundamentals of building blocks in Tensorflow and learning what tensors work and the mat operations behind these tensors.

Next, you will build your own custom training loops in TensorFlow, giving you more flexibility in your model.

Also, you will learn about graph mode, the benefits of generating code that runs on the graph model, and how to generate then efficiency using TensorFlow tools, so you don’t have to write them yourself.

Finally, you will understand distributed training and use it to process more data and large models faster and use various distributed training.

Here is the link to join this course — Custom and Distributed Training with TensorFlow

Best Coursera course to learn Distributed Training in TensorFlow

2.3. Advanced Computer Vision with TensorFlow

This section is all about using Tensorflow in the computer vision industry. You start first understanding the classification & object detection, how they work, and what transfer learning is. Next, you will have an overview of the popular object detection models such as ResNet-50.

You will use pre-trained models to train your data using them, build your own model for object detection, and use transfer learning to detect localized rubber duckies inside an image.

Later, you will learn about image segmentation that labels image pixels, and performs much more detailed identification of objects than other object detection techniques.

Finally, you will learn about the model interpretability, which lets you understand how your model arrives at its decisions.

Here is the link to join this course — Advanced Computer Vision with TensorFlow

Best Coursera course to learn Advanced Computer Vision with TensorFlow

2.4. Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow

You will understand what style transfer is and use it to extract the content of an image and other kinds of features in images.

Next, you will learn about the autoencoders and build them using TensorFlow, see the differences in the results of the DNN and CNN autoencoder models, and build a CNN autoencoder to output a clean image from a noisy one.

Later you will see about the variationally autoencoders to generate entirely new data, and you will generate anime faces using autoencoders.

Finally, learn about Gans and who invented them, and build your own Gans to generate faces.

Here is the link to join this course — Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Best Coursera course to learn Deep learning with TensorFlow


In short, s Coursera’s TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization is completely worth it. You not only get a chance to learn from leading AI experts from Google but also learn one of the most popular deep learning libraries in depth.

This advanced online course about Tensorflow will definitely enhance your skills in this framework and the deep learning field. You can enroll to build more complex models and optimize them by creating custom models and functions.

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses or specializations then consider taking Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but it's completely worth your money as you get unlimited certificates.

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Thanks for reading this article. If you like this review of Coursera’s TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — And, If you are looking for the best Udemy online courses to learn TensorFlow, then you can also check out TensorFlow Developer Certificate in 2024: Zero to Mastery course on Udemy. It’s one of the best TensorFlow certification courses on Udemy and is trusted by more than 14K learners, and if you want to become a certified TensorFlow developer, then this Coursera Professional certification is also worth looking at in 2024.




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