Is Google’s Project Management: Professional Certificate on Coursera worth it? Review

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8 min readJan 11, 2024
Is Google’s Project Management: Professional Certificate on Coursera worth it? Review

Hello guys, if you are a project manager or aspire to become a project manager in 2024 and looking for guidance and resources then you have come to the right place.

In the past, I have shared best project management courses and today, I am going to share my review of one of the popular Project management certification called Google’s Project Management: Professional Certificate on Coursera.

In the dynamic realm of project management, staying ahead with relevant skills and certifications is essential, and Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate on Coursera emerges as a compelling option.

As organizations increasingly seek professionals equipped with contemporary project management expertise, this certificate program offers a strategic pathway to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. But is it worth the investment of time and resources?

In this review, we delve into the key aspects of Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate, evaluating its curriculum, industry relevance, and the practical benefits it promises.

Whether you are a seasoned project manager aiming to stay current or someone looking to break into the field, join us as we unravel the value proposition of this certification and determine if it’s the right choice for your professional journey.

By the way, if you are in hurry, I suggest go and join Google’s Project Management: Professional Certificate, you will not regret it and thank me later. You can also save some money as Coursera is now offering $200 discount on the Coursera Plus, which gives access to not just this certification but also all of Google, Meta, and IBM certifications which can be used to learn in demand tech skills.

Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate Overview

If you’re aspiring to venture into the dynamic realm of project management or seeking to enhance your existing skills, Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate might be on your radar already.

This program is designed to make you job-ready in less than six months, this program is tailored for individuals with no degree or prior experience. Let’s break down the key details and evaluate whether this certificate is a worthy investment in your career journey.

Key Program Features:

  • Instructor and Platform: Delivered by Google Career Certificates, this program is instructed by top industry professionals, ensuring a high-quality learning experience.
  • Duration and Flexibility: The program spans six courses, with an estimated completion time of six months, assuming a commitment of 10 hours per week. The self-paced nature of the courses allows for flexibility to accommodate various schedules.
  • Skills Covered: The curriculum covers an array of skills critical for success in an entry-level project management role. From strategic thinking to risk management and Agile project methodologies, participants gain a holistic understanding of project management practices.

Overall it looks like a right mix of skills and flexibility which allows even busy people to learn project management skills as per their convenient time.

2. Learning Outcomes

One of the first thing I look into any course I join is learning outcomes, what am I going to learn in this program as I am going to invest my time, energy and money.

Real-world Project Experience

One of the program’s strengths lies in its emphasis on real-world project experience. Participants engage in hands-on projects, simulating actual project scenarios, fostering practical application of acquired skills.

Industry Certification:

Upon completion, participants receive a professional certificate recognized by employers. This industry-recognized credential can be a valuable addition to your LinkedIn profile and resume.

The name behind Google is probably the biggest factory people join this program but learning outcomes is not bad as you are going to have some real world project experience as well.

3. Career Opportunities and Support

Many people join this program because they want to start their career or change the career. So the first question they ask is will this certification going to get me a project manager job? Will it help me on career growth? Can I get promotion if I add this certificate into my portfolio etc.

All these are legitimate and most important questions, hence I am listing down the career opportunities this certification provides.

Job-Ready Training:

The program positions participants for roles such as Project Manager, Project Coordinator, or Project Assistant. The median U.S. salary for Project Management roles is reported to be $77,00⁰¹.

Exclusive Career Resources

Completing the program grants access to exclusive career resources, including resume review, interview preparation, and job search guidance. The partnership with Google’s Employer Consortium enhances networking opportunities.

I think the biggest benefit is getting the Google name on your resume, which really enhance your profile and sets you apart from your competition.

4. Student Reviews and Ratings

Before I join any course or certification, I always look for social proof like how many people have trusted this course, what are other students who have taken this course saying about it and what are general ratings. This gives an indication whether this course is worth it or not.

Enrollment Figures

With over 1.3 million enrollments, the program has garnered substantial interest, indicating its popularity within the learner community.

Positive Ratings

The program maintains a stellar 4.8 out of 5 rating based on approximately 92,868 reviews, affirming its positive impact on learners.

It’s actually one of the most popular project management course and certification on internet, I have not found any other course with so much trust put on.

5. Applied Learning Project and Course Structure

The next thing we will review in this article is course structure and learning experience as a boring course is really not worth your time and energy but this project management certification is not boring for sure.

Interactive Content

Developed by Google employees with extensive experience, the content is highly interactive, including videos, assessments, and hands-on activities.

Skills Acquisition

Participants gain skills such as creating risk management plans, understanding process improvement techniques, managing team dynamics, and practicing Agile project management.

The course is also very well designed with modules covering important project management tasks and skills like process improvement, planning, estimation, and agile project management in general.

6. Considerations

Before you join a course you must ask what is required from my side? because there is no point joining a course which you are not going to complete. I will be honest with you but I have hundreds of Udemy courses which I joined but never complete, I don’t want you to repeat the same mistake.

1. Time Commitment

While the program offers flexibility, individuals should consider the recommended commitment of 10 hours per week over six months to derive maximum benefit.

2. Individual Learning Preferences

Learners should assess their preferred learning style, as the program combines videos, assessments, and hands-on activities.

I think time required is the biggest consideration, so join the course when you can commit the time required. Though if you want to save money its better to get the Couresra Plus subscription now as they are offering $200 discount and then you can complete this certification later. While this is not my prefered option, I generally do this when I see the huge discount.

Is Google Project Management professional certification worth it?

Undoubtedly, Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate is a valuable investment for individuals seeking to advance their careers in project management. The certification not only carries the esteemed Google brand but also provides a curriculum that imparts practical and applicable skills crucial for success in real-world project scenarios.

With a focus on project scoping, scheduling, risk management, and stakeholder communication, the program ensures a well-rounded skill set.

The certificate’s industry recognition, coupled with the hands-on experience gained through tools like Google Workspace, enhances your employability and opens doors to various job opportunities. Completing this program signifies a commitment to excellence and demonstrates to employers that you possess job-ready skills.

The flexibility and accessibility of the Coursera platform make it an ideal choice for both working professionals looking to upskill and individuals entering the project management field.

Moreover, the networking opportunities associated with a Google-backed program and the additional career support provided further contribute to the positive outcomes of pursuing this certification.

In essence, the Google Project Management Professional Certificate is a pathway to career advancement, improved job prospects, and the acquisition of valuable, practical skills in the field of project management.

Here is the link to join this program — Google’s Project Management Professional Certificate

Is Google’s Project Management: Professional Certificate on Coursera worth it? Review


That’s all in this review of Google Project Management professional certification and whether its worth it or not. The Google Project Management Professional Certificate stands out as a comprehensive, industry-aligned program that equips participants with practical project management skills.

With a focus on real-world experience, industry certification, and exclusive career resources, it offers a promising avenue for those aspiring to enter or advance in the field of project management.

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses or specializations, then consider taking a Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It costs around $59/ per month but is worth it because you get access to more than 7000+ courses and projects, and you can also get unlimited certificates.

However, you should carefully weigh their commitment level and learning preferences before embarking on this journey.

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