Is RecurPost Worth It? Review

How Recurpost solved my problem of managing multiple social accounts with evergreen posts, best social media scheduling tool.

5 min readApr 9, 2024


Is RecurPost Worth It? Review

Hello guys, if you are running a blog and have multiple social account which you need to keep feeding it then slowly you will realize that its not sustainable and you won’t have enough time. After this your social media account will started dying with no growth but you can avoid that by using a social media scheduling tool like Recurpost.

Along with Grammarly, its actually the second tool I have been paying for long time.

In today’s hyper-connected digital landscape, harnessing the power of social media is paramount for businesses and individuals striving to stand out in a crowded online world.

Yet, with the ever-increasing demands of content creation and engagement, managing multiple social media platforms can quickly become overwhelming.

Enter RecurPost — the game-changing solution designed to revolutionize your social media strategy. Picture this: effortlessly scheduling and recycling your most engaging content, freeing up valuable time for meaningful interactions with your audience and driving unparalleled growth for your brand.

This is not just another social media management tool — it’s the key to unlocking your online potential.

With RecurPost, you can finally say goodbye to the endless cycle of content creation and hello to a world of streamlined efficiency and unparalleled engagement.

Along with me, you can now join the ranks of savvy marketers and influencers who have discovered the transformative power of RecurPost in maximizing their social media impact.

What is RecurPost?

RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool designed to streamline the process of content sharing across multiple platforms. It allows users to schedule posts, manage content libraries, analyze performance, and engage with their audience — all from a single dashboard.

I mean you can post to multiple Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram from one application. The most important benefit of this is you can share content with a bit of tweak to different platforms.

In fact RecurPost allow you to cusotmize the content for any particular social account. For example, you can post shorter contnt on Twitter and long form content on LinkedIn, which works great.

But, RecurPost’s standout feature is its ability to recycle evergreen content, ensuring that valuable posts are shared repeatedly over time. I actualy use this feature a lot. I have a evergreen library of content which I fill once in a 6-month and then Recurpost post message every day from that library without me touching anything.

I am paying Recurpost for just this feature and I think its 100% worth it becuase it has saved me 100s of hour managing my multiple facebook groups. You can leanr more about this feature here

Features and Functionality

Apart from my favorite “Ever green content” library, here are the best feature and functionality you should know while using Recurpost:

  1. Content Scheduling: RecurPost enables users to schedule posts across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  2. Content Libraries: You can organize their content into libraries, making it easy to categorize and reuse posts.
  3. Evergreen Recycling: RecurPost’s unique selling point is its ability to recycle evergreen content, allowing users to schedule posts to be shared at regular intervals.
  4. Analytics: The platform provides insights into post performance, engagement metrics, and audience behavior, helping users refine their social media strategy.
  5. Team Collaboration: RecurPost offers features for team collaboration, allowing multiple users to manage and schedule content collaboratively.


  1. Time-saving Automation: RecurPost’s automation features streamline the content scheduling process, saving users time and effort.
  2. Evergreen Content Recycling: The ability to recycle evergreen content ensures consistent engagement and maximizes the lifespan of valuable posts.
  3. Multi-platform Integration: RecurPost supports scheduling across various social media platforms, making it a versatile tool for managing online presence.
  4. Affordable Pricing Plans: RecurPost offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets, including a free tier with limited features. Here is the detail of their pricing plan


  1. Learning Curve: While RecurPost’s interface is user-friendly, mastering all its features may require some time and experimentation.
  2. Limited Analytics: I actually find RecurPost’s analytics offerings to be less robust compared to dedicated analytics tools. It doesn’t really tell which post is driving most of the clicks, which is big big shortcoming.

Is RecurPost Worth It?

Ultimately, whether RecurPost is worth it depends on individual needs and preferences. For individuals and businesses seeking to streamline their social media management process, RecurPost offers a range of features that can significantly enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

The ability to recycle evergreen content is particularly valuable for maintaining a consistent online presence and driving engagement over time.

That’s the single feature, which makes the Recurpost 100% worth it for me. If you have multiple social account to manage, I highly recommend you to try out Recurpost, they have 14-day free trial but I am sure you will not go back


In conclusion, RecurPost is a powerful tool for social media scheduling and management. Its automation features, content recycling capabilities, and multi-platform integration make it 1005 Worth it for individuals and businesses looking to optimize their social media strategy.

While it may not be perfect for everyone, RecurPost’s benefits outweigh its drawbacks for many users, making it a worthy investment in the realm of social media management tools.

You can learn more about Recurpost here




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and