Is The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo worth it? Review

Yes, it is and one of the must read for aspiring Managers

3 min readMar 3, 2024


Is The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo worth it?

Hello guys, In the fast-evolving landscape of professional management, Julie Zhuo’s “The Making of a Manager” stands out as a beacon for those navigating the often turbulent waters of leadership.

Published on March 19, 2019, Zhuo’s book is an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller that has resonated with both novice managers and seasoned leaders.

The question on many minds is, “Is ‘The Making of a Manager’ worth it?” Let’s delve into why this book has garnered praise and explore its key takeaways.

A Personal and Practical Guide to Management

“The Making of a Manager” is not your typical management handbook. What sets it apart is Zhuo’s approach, which is deeply personal and refreshingly practical.

Drawing from her own experiences, Zhuo addresses the day-to-day challenges faced by managers, providing insights that feel relatable and actionable.

Real-world Examples and Transformative Insights

One of the book’s strengths lies in its use of everyday examples and transformative insights. Zhuo does not rely solely on theoretical concepts; instead, she shares real-world scenarios, offering readers a glimpse into the nuances of management.

The inclusion of practical advice makes the book accessible, especially for those who may find themselves grappling with the intricacies of a managerial role.

Distinguishing Great Managers from Average Ones

Zhuo tackles the fundamental question of what makes a great manager. She provides illustrations that help readers discern the traits that set exceptional managers apart from their average counterparts.

This insight is invaluable for those who aspire to not only succeed in their managerial roles but to excel and make a positive impact.

Building Trust and Leading with Confidence:

Key themes explored in the book include building trust with your team and leading with confidence in unpredictable situations. These aspects are crucial for any manager, regardless of their level of experience.

Zhuo’s practical advice in these areas can serve as a guiding light for those who may find themselves navigating uncharted waters in their managerial journey.

Relevance to New and Seasoned Managers

Whether you are a new manager navigating the initial challenges or a seasoned leader seeking fresh perspectives, “The Making of a Manager” offers relevance.

Zhuo’s blend of personal anecdotes and professional insights creates a narrative that resonates with a broad spectrum of readers. It’s also one of the must read books for aspiring managers.

A Handbook for the Manager You Want to Be

In essence, “The Making of a Manager” is more than just a guide; it’s a handbook for becoming the manager you wish you had. Julie Zhuo’s sincerity and candidness make this book an engaging read that goes beyond the conventional wisdom found in many management books.


So, is “The Making of a Manager” worth it? The resounding answer is yes. Julie Zhuo’s book is a breath of fresh air in the realm of management literature. It combines practical advice with relatable experiences, making it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to navigate the challenges of leadership successfully.

If you seek a guide that is both insightful and down-to-earth, “The Making of a Manager” is a worthwhile investment in your professional growth. If you want to do just one thing right now, go read it




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