Java 11 [LTS]: Features and Highlights

This article covers features of Java 11 with code examples

Pravinkumar Singh
Published in
7 min readJun 15, 2023


image by @iampravo

Java 11, this was significant milestone in the evolution of Java 😲 and became a benchmark for Java developers. IT companies have begun to prefer hiring Java 11 developers 🌟. Released in September 2018, Java 11 came with improvements focused on productivity, security, and performance to enhance the overall Java experience for software engineers. In this article, we’ll dive into Java 11’s features, and illustrate scenarios using code examples.

8 out of 18 Notable Features and Improvements in Java 11

  1. Running Java files directly: Enhancements to java launcher allowing direct execution of single-file Java source code without explicit compilation.
  2. Improved var handling: Improved type inference for lambda expressions using var.
  3. HTTP Client API: The introduction of a standard HTTP Client API supporting HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and WebSocket communication.
  4. String Functions: New utility methods added to the String class, such as repeat(), isBlank(), strip(), lines().
  5. New Epsilon Garbage Collector: A no-op garbage collector to test the performance of…

