Java 17: What’s New, Removed and Preview in JDK 17

A new API to replace Java Native Interface (JNI) and enhancements in switch expressions and statements (preview) are among the features

Vinicius Monteiro


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The JDK 17 is a long-term support (LTS) version, which means it has Oracle support for many years to come. Other LTS JDKs are Java 8 and Java 11. LTS JDKs are released every three years and non-LTS every six months.

In comparison, LTS versions’ support lasts for several years, whereas the non-LTS JDKs’ support lasts only six months, ending when the next non-LTS is released.

Here are the details of the fourteen JDK Enhancements Proposals (JEP) separated by new, removed and as a preview.


It also includes enhancements and finalized features such as sealed classes.

JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port

Apple announced in 2020 a two-year transition plan (Apple Silicon) to move its Central Process Unit (CPU) from Intel’s x86–64 to Apple-designed chips that use the ARM64/AArch64 architecture.

JEP 391 is about porting the JDK to the new architecture.

Arm-based processors were always viewed as targeting the embedded and mobile…



Vinicius Monteiro

Principal Software Developer at Oracle - MySQL Database Service on OCI (views here my own) | |