Java Interview Cheat Sheet

A Java Interview cheat sheet for developers

5 min readJul 25, 2024


Hello guys, I hope this email finds you well and coding brilliantly!

Today, I’m thrilled to share something special with you — our brand new Java Interview Cheat Sheet and a once in a while chance to grab my book Grokking the Java Interview for just $2.99 (Today only).

Whether you’re preparing for your first Java interview or looking to brush up on your skills for a senior position, this cheat sheet is designed to be your go-to resource.

Why a Cheat Sheet?

In the fast-paced world of software development, staying on top of your game is crucial. Interviews can be stressful, and it’s easy to draw a blank on concepts you know well.

That’s where our cheat sheet comes in. It’s not about cheating; it’s about having a concise, well-organized reference to reinforce your knowledge and boost your confidence.

What’s Inside?

Our Java Interview Cheat Sheet covers six fundamental areas that frequently come up in interviews:

  1. OOP Concepts
    At the heart of Java lies Object-Oriented Programming. We’ve summarized the key principles: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstraction. We’ve also included a note on Interfaces, as they’re crucial in Java’s approach to multiple inheritance.
  2. Collections
    The Collections Framework is a cornerstone of Java development. Our cheat sheet provides a quick overview of the main interfaces (List, Set, Map, Queue) and their common implementations. Remember, knowing when to use which collection can significantly impact your application’s performance!
  3. Exception Handling
    Robust code means excellent exception handling. We’ve outlined the basics of try-catch-finally blocks, the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions, and even touched on more advanced concepts like custom exceptions and the try-with-resources statement introduced in Java 7.
  4. Multithreading
    In today’s world of multi-core processors, understanding multithreading is more important than ever. Our cheat sheet covers thread creation, synchronization mechanisms, thread communication methods, thread lifecycle states, and an introduction to the Executor Framework.
  5. Java 8+ Features
    Java has evolved significantly since version 8. We’ve highlighted some game-changing features like Lambda Expressions, the Stream API, the Optional class, default methods in interfaces, and CompletableFuture. These features have transformed how we write Java code, making it more concise and expressive.
  6. Design Patterns
    Last but not least, we’ve included a section on common design patterns. Understanding patterns like Singleton, Factory, Observer, Strategy, and Decorator can set you apart in an interview. It shows you’re not just a coder, but a thoughtful designer of software systems.

Here is the Java Interview cheat sheet for you:

How to Use This Cheat Sheet

While this cheat sheet is a powerful tool, remember that it’s not a substitute for deep understanding. Here are some tips to make the most of it:

  1. Review regularly
    Glance over the cheat sheet daily in the lead-up to your interview. Repetition is key to retention!
  2. Expand on each point
    Use the bullet points as prompts to recall more detailed information. Can you think of examples for each concept?
  3. Practice coding
    Try to implement some of these concepts in code. Can you write a quick example of a Singleton pattern or a custom exception?
  4. Relate to your experiences
    For each concept, try to think of a time you’ve used it in a real project. Interviewers love practical examples!
  5. Identify weak spots
    If any area feels unfamiliar, that’s your cue to dive deeper into that topic.

Beyond the Cheat Sheet

While this cheat sheet covers a lot of ground, remember that Java is a vast ecosystem. Depending on the specific role you’re interviewing for, you might want to brush up on:

  • Spring Framework for enterprise applications
  • Android development for mobile applications
  • Java EE (now Jakarta EE) for web applications
  • JUnit and Mockito for testing
  • Build tools like Maven or Gradle

You can also take help from my books, Grokking the Java Interview and Grokking the Spring Boot Interview to prepare better. Together they cover most of the important topics as shown below:

1. Grokking the Java Interview

This book is a collection of popular Java interview questions which is asked to Java developers in last 15 years. It covers:

➡️Design Patterns

You can get this book now for a special price of just $2.99, if you are preparing for Java developer interview, then this is a great book to have.

Here is the link to get the book Grokking the Java Interview

2. Grokking the Spring Interview

This is another book you can use to prepare for Java developer interview. This book is a collection of popular Spring Boot and Spring Framework interview questions which is asked to Java developers in last 15 years.
It covers:

➡️Core Spring
➡️Spring Boot
➡️Spring MVC
➡️Spring Data JPA
➡️Spring Cloud

You can get this book now for a special price of just $2.99, if you are preparing for Java developer interview, then this is a great book to have.

Here is the link to get the book — Grokking the Spring Interview

The Journey Continues

Learning Java, like any programming language, is a journey, not a destination. This cheat sheet is a milestone in your journey — a tool to help you showcase your Java expertise. But the learning doesn’t stop here. Keep coding, keep exploring, and keep growing as a developer.

We’re Here to Support You

Your success is our success. If you have any questions about the concepts in the cheat sheet, or if you’d like more detailed resources on any topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our community is here to support you in your Java journey.

Good luck with your interviews! Remember, every interview, regardless of the outcome, is an opportunity to learn and grow. Go in confident, stay curious, and let your passion for Java shine through.

Happy coding, and may your coffee be strong and your compile times short!=

All the best


P.S. Don’t forget to check out the attached Java Interview Cheat Sheet and grab your copy of Grokking the Java Interview for just $2.99 (today only). Feel free to share it with your fellow Java developers — knowledge shared is knowledge squared!




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and