Java Memory Management: Day 24 — Understanding Garbage Collection and Memory Leaks

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3 min readFeb 8, 2024

Welcome to Day 24 of our 30-Day Java Learning Challenge! Today, we’re going to explore the essential concepts of Java memory management, focusing on garbage collection and how to prevent memory leaks.

Understanding Java Memory Management

Java memory management is primarily handled automatically by the garbage collector (GC), which frees up memory by removing objects that are no longer in use. While the garbage collector provides a great deal of automation, understanding how it works and how memory is managed is crucial for writing efficient Java applications.

Garbage Collection in Java

Garbage collection is the process of looking at heap memory, identifying which objects are in use and which are not, and deleting the unused objects. An in-use object, or a referenced object, means that some part of your program still maintains a pointer to that object. An object becomes eligible for garbage collection when there are no more references to that object.

Key Points:

  • Generational Garbage Collection: Java divides the heap into generations for the sake of garbage collection efficiency: young generation, old generation, and permanent generation.
  • GC Algorithms: Java employs various algorithms for garbage collection, including Mark-Sweep, Copying, and Mark-Compact, among others.

Preventing Memory Leaks

A memory leak occurs when objects that are no longer needed are not removed from memory because the application still holds references to them. Over time, these can accumulate and consume a significant amount of memory, leading to performance issues or crashes.

Tips to Avoid Memory Leaks:

  • Nullify References: Explicitly nullify references to objects when they are no longer needed.
  • Use Weak References: java.lang.ref.WeakReference objects do not prevent their referents from being made finalizable, garbage-collected, and then reclaimed.
  • Close Resources: Always close resources (files, sockets, database connections) once they are no longer needed.

Practice Assignment 1: Demonstrating Garbage Collection

Objective: Write a simple program that forces garbage collection to occur and demonstrates objects being finalized before getting collected.


Explanation: This example creates two instances of GarbageCollectionDemo and then dereferences them by assigning null. Calling System.gc() suggests that the JVM perform garbage collection. The finalize method is overridden to include a print statement, allowing us to see when an object is being finalized just before its memory is reclaimed by the GC.

Practice Assignment 2: Avoiding Memory Leaks with Resource Management

Objective: Implement a method that properly manages resources to avoid memory leaks.


Explanation: This example uses a try-with-resources statement to manage a FileInputStream. This statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement. It effectively prevents memory leaks by automatically releasing resources (like file handlers or network connections) that might otherwise remain open indefinitely.

Understanding and managing memory efficiently is vital for developing robust Java applications. By mastering garbage collection and being mindful of memory leaks, you can enhance the performance and reliability of your applications. Join us on Day 25, where we’ll explore Java concurrency utilities.

Happy Coding!




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