Launch Your ICO with Perfect Marketing Strategy in 2023

William Hill
Published in
6 min readNov 23, 2022

Initial coin offerings or ICOs as they are commonly abbreviated are viewed as the first and the most prominent point of confluence between a new technology like blockchain and traditional trade requirements like a crowdsourced investment. ICOs have scripted amazing success stories of funding like the Neo, the Ethereum, and the Stratis.

The introduction of regulations for ICOs has only made it more dependable but at the same time, it also does not fall into the purview of compliance with regulatory bodies like the SEC.

While creating an ICO in itself is bound to be a big task even for some of the most reputed ICO development companies, marketing and ICO also plays a parallel role in ensuring the success of the ICO.

We have given below, a few aspects that need to be uncompromisingly taken care of by any ICO marketing company when they create a marketing strategy for your ICO.

A Comprehensive White Paper

For any ICO, the white paper is considered the most important document that will be produced during its life cycle. The white paper should contain all information about the project.

  • The white paper should tell the investors the real-world problem of the project or the product is solving.
  • The white paper should also outline the tentative timelines — the initiation, the prototype, and the completion.
  • The white paper should, in addition to information about the project/product, also furnish information about the founder and the key people involved. It helps establish credibility for your ICO.
  • Above everything, your white paper should contain information on the tokenomics — the projected price of your tokens over time.

Your white paper should be a perfect combination and a perfect balance between being comprehensive and being concise.

A Creative Website

Next to the white paper, investors look out for information on your ICO website. It is one of the first things that you, as an ICO start-up or any company that offers ICO marketing services should specialize in.

The website is responsible for creating the first impression with your investors. The website should detail on the mission, the girls, and the plans of your ICO. In addition, the website should also furnish the following bits of information:

  • The website should have links to your social media accounts like LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and dedicated forums like BitcoinTalk.
  • The website should specify the problems that you intend to solve and the way you look forward to solving them.
  • The website should contain a link to your white paper for any other documentation that you have to support your ICO.
  • The website should contain information about the founders and the team members. If possible, the LinkedIn profiles of the team members should be provided on the website.
  • The website can also have a section where interested investors can drop in their email to get subscribed updates.
  • In addition, your website can also have a countdown timer if you have decided on the date and time of launching your ICO.

In short, the website should give almost all possible information about your ICO.

Marketing Through Your Website

Any digital marketer would agree to the fact that the website, in most cases, serves as the point of culmination for all your marketing efforts. Therefore, a few strategies that are pointed towards marketing your website need to be put in place.

You should have a robust search engine optimization strategy. Search engine optimization, as you may have already known, is the art and science of positioning your website on the top of the results of search engines for relevant keywords. It is a combination of working on the contents of your website and at the same time, building credible links for your website from other authoritative websites. It is both a branding and a lead generation exercise.

You can also promote your ICO on targeted paid campaigns. Platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat have been quite restrictive in promoting ICOs. However, there are other platforms that are quite open to ICO ads including but not limited to crypto-specific channels, news sites, crypto and blockchain blogs, and a lot of other press sites. You can get in touch with the site administrators and strike a deal with them, so you can either pay them per click or on a time bound basis.

Going Social

One of the greatest things that social media has done to the world of crypto is in isolating the investors and enthusiasts. A good social media strategy promotes engagement and conversation, and passively builds up a team of investors and traders for your ICO.

There are a few specific social channels that you will need to concentrate on when marketing your ICO.

  • Dedicated websites and forums like BitcoinTalk see a lot of involvement and engagement from crypto enthusiasts and investors. It is mandatory for any ICO marketing company to ensure that they mark a robust presence in such platforms.
  • Reddit has many subreddits dedicated to the crypto community. Subreddits like r/bancor, r/icocrypto, and r/ethtrader could be your starting points of focus.
  • LinkedIn groups bring together a lot of hyper enthusiastic crypto exponents who discuss the crypto environment at large, and ICO launches and bitcoins to be specific. These places will also be a great starting point as you are also bound to attract investors who might not be completely into technology.
  • Facebook Groups present a dependable way to mark your presence on the world’s largest social media platform, especially when it has banned paid advertising for anything related to crypto. These Facebook groups have quite a lot of engagement and can be amazing at ideal places to mark your presence, and that too, without even spending a single penny.

In addition, there are other platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Steemit, Telegram and Discord that you can consider.

Getting Timely Press Coverage

PR and media reach from one of the most important legs of marketing your ICO. It is to be remembered that your target audience is not an average newspaper reader. Therefore, your PR has to be crafted in such a way that it reaches your target segment without any spills.

When it comes to press releases, you can find a lot of PR websites on the web. Although there are some websites that publish your PR for free, it is highly recommended that you go for the paid version to ensure timeliness. Press releases are not only important from a marketing perspective but also from a reputation perspective.

If there is one marketing strategy that has stood the test of time, it has to be content marketing. It is the most powerful marketing tool and it is a fundamental requirement to market your ICO. Content can be created in multiple forms including but not limited to serious content like blog posts and podcasts, semi-casual content like videos and infographics, and even informal content like social means. Content, in every way, should be designed to push investors or at least, create a brand image for your ICO.

ICO Listing

The final step which is the most precise, the most restricted, and at the same time, the most crucial is making sure that your ICO is listed on some of the top ICO listing sites. In this particular step, you are ensuring that your presence is marked in the most likely platform for conversion.

However, it is to be remembered that the moment you list your ICO on such sites, the very next step that you can expect is for people to visit your website and buy your utility tokens. Therefore, you should ensure that pushing your ICO into listing sites remains the last step… Just before completely launching your ICO!


As you can infer from the above paragraphs, it is quite evident that marketing and ICO is a grand culmination of multiple processes and it takes an expert ICO marketing company to execute it flawlessly. There are a lot of ICO development companies that specialize in marketing as well. You can get in touch with them and they will not only launch your ICO but also market it in the right places, and that too, with an uncompromising degree of effectiveness.



William Hill

William Is Crypto Trader with a passion to write about Technology, Startups and Cryptocurrency.