Lets Sail Together with.…..AI :Azure AI Image Classification

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9 min readJul 20, 2024

Custom models in Azure AI Vision allow you to train an AI model to classify images or detect objects in images.

Image classification is a common computer vision problem that requires software to analyze an image in order to categorize (or classify) it. In this module, you’ll learn how the Azure AI Vision service enables you to build your own custom vision models for image classification.

Object detection is another common computer vision problem that requires software to identify the location of specific classes of object in an image. Creating an object detection project follows the same pattern as an image classification project, from creation through labeling and training. This module covers concepts and considerations for object detection, however the exercise focuses on classification.

Custom Azure AI Vision models have different functionality based on the type. The types of custom models include Image classification, Object detection, and Product recognition.

Image classification

Image classification is a computer vision feature where a model is trained to predict a label for an image based on the contents of the entire image. Usually the class label relates to the main subject of the image, however individual use cases may vary.

Models can be trained for multi-class classification (where there are multiple classes, but each image can belong to only one class) or multi-label classification (where an image might be associated with multiple labels).

Object detection

Object detection is a form of computer vision in which a model is trained to detect the presence and location of one or more classes of object in an image. For example, an AI enabled checkout system in a grocery store might need to identify the type and location of items being purchased.

There are two components to object detection:

  • The class label of each object detected in the image. For example, you might predict that an image contains one apple and two oranges.
  • The location of each object within the image, indicated as coordinates of a bounding box that encloses the object.

Product recognition

Product recognition works the same way object detection does, but with improved accuracy for product labels and brand names. The predictions for product recognition have both the class label and location, enabling you to know where in the image the product is.

To create a custom Azure AI Vision model, you first need an Azure AI Services resource (or an Azure AI Vision resource). Once that resource is deployed to your subscription, you need to create a custom project.

Components of a custom Vision project

The first component of a custom project is the dataset. The dataset is your collection of images to use while training your model, along with the COCO file that defines the label information about those images. Your dataset is stored in an Azure blob storage container, and we cover more about the COCO file further in this unit.

Once you have your images and class labels defined, you can train your custom model. When training your model, you specify the type of model to train, which dataset to use, and your training budget (in amount of time). When the model training is complete, you can view the performance and use the model for predictions.

In most cases, the steps you follow are:

  1. Create your blob storage container and upload just the training images.
  2. Create the dataset for your project, and connect it to your blob storage container. When creating your dataset, you define what type of project it is (image classification, object detection, or product recognition).
  3. Label your data in your Azure Machine Learning Data Labeling Project, which creates the COCO file in your blob storage container.
  4. Connect your completed COCO file for the labeled images to your dataset.
  5. Train your custom model on the dataset and labels created.
  6. Verify performance and iterate if the trained performance isn’t meeting expectations.

Once you’re happy with the performance, the model can be used in Vision Studio or in your own application.

COCO files

A COCO file is a JSON file with a specific format that defines:

  • images: Defines the image location in blob storage, name, width, height, and ID.
  • annotations: Defines the classifications (or objects), including which category the image is classified as, the area, and the bounding box (if labeling for object detection).
  • categories: Defines the ID for the named label class.

In most cases, COCO files are created by labeling your training images in an Azure Machine Learning Data Labeling.

Creating your dataset

Once you have images in your blob storage container, you can create your dataset for training using either the REST API, or by using the Vision Studio.

Once you upload your images to blob storage and created your dataset, the next step is to label your images and connect the resulting COCO file. If you already have a COCO file for your training images, you can skip the labeling step.

Labeling your training images

Labeling your training images is done in Azure Machine Learning studio, using the Data Labeling Project. Having complete and accurate labels for your training images greatly improves the performance of your trained model. When you label your images, be sure to accurately assign labels and completely label all instances of each class.

In your dataset within Vision Studio, create a new Azure Machine Learning Data Labeling project or connect to an existing project if you created one in Azure Machine Learning studio.

Training your model

With all the training images labeled, the next step is training your model. When training a model select the model type, specify the dataset you want to use as training data, and indicate the training budget. The training budget is an upper bound of time for how long the training will run; the actual time used for training is often less than the specified budget.

Once your model is trained, selecting it allows you to view the performance of evaluation run. If an evaluation dataset isn’t provided when training your model, it uses the default evaluation run. The default evaluation run takes a small set of the labeled images out of the training set, uses the trained model for predictions on that subset, and compares the predictions to the provided labels.

Lets explore and Classify images with an Azure AI Vision custom model : —

Step 1 — Provision Azure resources

  1. Open the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com, and sign in using the Microsoft account associated with your Azure subscription.
  2. In the top search bar, search for Azure AI services, select Azure AI Services, and create an Azure AI services multi-service account resource with the following settings:
  • Subscription: Your Azure subscription
  • Resource group: Choose or create a resource group (if you are using a restricted subscription, you may not have permission to create a new resource group — use the one provided)
  • Region: Choose from East US, West Europe, West US 2*
  • Name: Enter a unique name
  • Pricing tier: Standard S0

*Azure AI Vision 4.0 custom model tags are currently only available in these regions.

3. Select the required checkboxes and create the resource.

Step 2- Create a storage account to store the training images.

We also need a storage account to store the training images.

  1. In Azure portal, search for and select Storage accounts, and create a new storage account with the following settings:
  • Subscription: Your Azure subscription
  • Resource Group: Choose the same resource group you created your Azure AI Service resource in
  • Storage Account Name: customclassifySUFFIX
  • note: replace the SUFFIX token with your initials or another value to ensure the resource name is globally unique.
  • Region: Choose the same region you used for your Azure AI Service resource
  • Performance: Standard
  • Redundancy: Locally-redundant storage (LRS)

Step 3 — Review the COCO file to ensure your storage account name is reflected

  1. While your storage account is being created, go to Visual studio code, and expand the Labfiles/02-image-classification folder.
  2. In that folder, select replace.ps1 and review the code. You’ll see that it replaces the name of your storage account for the placeholder in a JSON file (the COCO file) we use in a later step. Replace the placeholder in the first line only of the file with the name of your storage account. Save the file.
  3. Right-click on the 02-image-classification folder and open an Integrated Terminal. Run the following command.
  1. You can review the COCO file to ensure your storage account name is there. Select training-images/training_labels.json and view the first few entries. In the absolute_url field, you should see something similar to “https://myStorage.blob.core.windows.net/fruit/…. If you don’t see the change expected, make sure you updated only the first placeholder in the PowerShell script.
  2. Close both the JSON and PowerShell file, and go back to your browser window.

Step 4 — create a new container and upload the image to be trained

  1. Your storage account should be complete. Go to your storage account.
  2. Enable public access on the storage account. In the left pane, navigate to Configuration in the Settings group, and enable Allow Blob anonymous access. Select Save
  3. In the left pane, select Containers and create a new container named fruit, and set Anonymous access level to Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs).
  • Note: If the Anonymous access level is disabled, refresh the browser page.
  1. Navigate to fruit, and upload the images (and the one JSON file) in Labfiles/02-image-classification/training-images to that container.

Step 5 — Create a custom model training project :Add new dataset

  1. In the web browser, navigate to https://portal.vision.cognitive.azure.com/ and sign in with the Microsoft account where you created your Azure AI resource.
  2. Select the Customize models with images tile (can be found in the Image analysis tab if it isn’t showing in your default view), and if prompted select the Azure AI resource you created.
  3. In your project, select Add new dataset on the top. Configure with the following settings:
  • Dataset name: training_images
  • Model type: Image classification
  • Select Azure blob storage container: Select Select Container
  • Subscription: Your Azure subscription
  • Storage account: The storage account you created
  • Blob container: fruit
  • Select the box to “Allow Vision Studio to read and write to your blob storage”

4. Select the training_images dataset.

5. Select Add COCO file

6. In the dropdown, select Import COCO file from a Blob Container

7. Since you have already connected your container named fruit, Vision Studio searches that for a COCO file. Select training_labels.json from the dropdown, and add the COCO file.

Step 6 — Train your Model

Navigate to Custom models on the left, and select Train a new model. Use the following settings:

  • Name of model: classifyfruit
  • Model type: Image classification
  • Choose training dataset: training_images
  • Leave the rest as default, and select Train model

Training can take some time — default budget is up to an hour, however for this small dataset it is usually much quicker than that. Select the Refresh button every couple minutes until the status of the job is Succeeded.

Step 7 — Test your custom model

Your model has been trained and is ready to test.

  1. On the top of the page for your custom model, select Try it out.
  2. Select the classifyfruit model from the dropdown specifying the model you want to use, and browse to the 02-image-classification\test-images folder.
  3. Select each image and view the results. Select the JSON tab in the results box to examine the full JSON response.

Lets be connected and lets sail together…..with AI!!




I am a Site Reliability Engineer aspirant Cloud Solutions Architect. Further exploring the horizon into MLOps