Mastering Manual(Blackbox) Testing Before Embracing Automation

Fayyaz Ahmed
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2024
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

I want to provide insights for those who wish to join a software company or change their role as an Automation Engineer without experience in manual software testing.
This article explains why having hands-on experience is necessary before starting with automation.

In the ever-evolving software development landscape, automation testing has become an indispensable tool for ensuring quality, efficiency, and reliability. However, before diving headfirst into automation, there’s a fundamental step that often gets overlooked but is crucially important and that is manual testing experience.

I would like to say someone must have “Hands-on” experience before going “Hands-free”.

While some may view manual testing as outdated or traditional, it is crucial for establishing a strong foundation in software testing principles, which is essential for success in automation testing.

Here’s why manual(Blackbox) testing experience is a mandatory prerequisite before embarking on automation testing in the software industry.

  1. Understanding the Basics of Software Testing:
    Manual(Blackbox) testing is a process that enables testers to gain practical experience in the software development lifecycle, testing methodologies, and basic testing techniques.
    This approach helps testers understand important concepts such as test case design, test execution, defect reporting, and regression testing, which are critical elements in any testing process regardless of the type of software.
  2. Exploring project domain:
    Manual(Blackbox) testing encourages testers to thoroughly explore the software application, which helps them uncover defects and identify edge cases that might not be apparent through automated scripts alone.
    This exploratory mindset fosters creativity and critical thinking skills that are invaluable when designing comprehensive test suites for automation.
  3. Investigating and reproducing bugs:
    Manual(Blackbox) testing provides testers with the capability to thoroughly investigate, reproduce, and diagnose issues. By manually navigating through the application and closely observing its behavior, testers can gain a deeper understanding of the software's complexities and identify the underlying cause of defects efficiently. This is an essential skill when troubleshooting automated test failures.
  4. Feasibility of automating any test case:
    Having experience in manual(Blackbox) testing can help identify which tests can be automated. It gives testers an understanding of the application's architecture, complexity, and stability. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions about which tests should be automated for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
  5. There you go! Let's jump to automation:
    Testers who have a good understanding of manual(Blackbox) testing can easily switch to automation testing. With their knowledge, they can select the right automation tools, create strong test automation frameworks, and write automated test scripts that are maintainable and scalable. Additionally, their experience in manual(Blackbox) testing can help them validate automated test results efficiently, guaranteeing the precision and dependability of the automation suite.
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In summary, having experience in manual(Blackbox) testing is not just a starting point but a requirement for success in automated testing. It provides the foundation for testers to acquire fundamental skills, adopt a quality-driven approach, and make well-informed choices regarding test automation. By considering manual testing as a vital aspect of their journey, testers can pave the way for more efficient, dependable, and high-quality software in the constantly evolving software industry.

At the end!

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Fayyaz Ahmed

I am an ISTQB Certified Agile tester,Sr. Automation Engineer and core contributor of Open Edx who has worked on a number of Mobile,Web and desktop applications.