How I Made $100 Writing on Medium? Partner Program Earning Report (with screenshots)

Learn how exactly I made $100 in 1 month from Medium Partner program and Medium referral program with screenshot of articles and earning



Medium Partner Program Earning Report — How I made $100 in 1 Month (with screenshot)

When I started writing on Medium seriously at the start of this year, I was skeptical that I will earn anything but fast forward to 1 month and I have made $100 (well not exactly, its around $98.3) which seems like a dream today. It’s not much money but its enough to convince me that writing on Medium work and you can earn side income using Medium partner program.

That’s the real win for me and I am sharing my story so that all other programmer and professional who want to generate side income and love writing can inspire and see that its really possible to make decent income with hard work and persistence on Medium partner program.

P.S. Keep reading until the end. I have a bonus for you.

Medium Partner Program Earning Report January

So, without wasting anymore of your time, here is how much I earned on Medium this month:

January — $98.52

Views — 15,000 Followers — 3000




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