NFT Aggregator Marketplace Development — Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own NFT Aggregator

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12 min readMar 8, 2023

NFTs have exploded in popularity in recent years, with artists, musicians, and other creators using them to monetize their digital content. NFTs provide a unique way to authenticate and prove ownership of digital assets, leading to a surge in demand for NFT marketplaces.

However, with so many NFT marketplaces available, it can be challenging for creators to gain exposure for their work. This is where NFT Aggregator Marketplaces come in — they provide a centralized platform that aggregates NFTs from various sources, making it easier for creators to showcase their work and for collectors to discover and purchase NFTs.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs and developers who want to create an NFT aggregator marketplace. It includes valuable insights and information to help them understand the process from start to finish.

What is an NFT Aggregator Marketplace?

An NFT Aggregator Marketplace is a platform that aggregates NFTs from multiple sources, such as different blockchain networks and individual creators, into one centralized marketplace. These marketplaces differ from traditional NFT marketplaces in that they provide a wider variety of NFTs for collectors to discover, purchase, and trade in one place.

NFT Marketplaces Vs NFT Aggregators

NFT marketplaces are online platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These marketplaces allow users to browse and purchase a variety of NFTs, such as digital artwork, videos, music, and other unique digital collectibles. Some popular NFT marketplaces include OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare.

On the other hand, NFT aggregators are platforms that pull NFTs from multiple marketplaces and present them to buyers in one place. Aggregators provide a more convenient way for buyers to search for and purchase NFTs across multiple marketplaces. This saves buyers time and effort by allowing them to browse NFTs from different marketplaces in one location. Some popular NFT aggregators include,, and Blur.

How Does NFT Aggregator Marketplaces Work?

NFT aggregator marketplaces are online platforms that allow users to browse and purchase NFTs from multiple NFT marketplaces in one place. These aggregator platforms work by integrating with various NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare, to provide a single interface for buyers and sellers to interact with multiple NFT marketplaces simultaneously.

The integration of multiple marketplaces is achieved through the use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). An API allows two different applications to communicate with each other seamlessly. In the case of NFT aggregator marketplaces, the API allows the aggregator to communicate with multiple NFT marketplaces simultaneously, pulling information about NFT listings, prices, and transactions.

When a user visits an NFT aggregator marketplace, they can browse and search for NFTs listed on multiple marketplaces in one place. The aggregator platform pulls information about the NFTs listed on each marketplace, including the name, description, and image, and displays it in a standardized format. Users can then view the NFT, learn more about it, and purchase it from the marketplace that listed it.

To make a purchase, the user must have an account on the NFT marketplace where the NFT is listed. The aggregator platform typically provides a link to the listing on the respective marketplace where the user can complete the purchase. Alternatively, some NFT aggregator platforms have integrated wallet services, enabling users to complete the purchase directly from the aggregator platform.

The transactions on NFT aggregator marketplaces are typically settled using cryptocurrency, and the platform earns a commission on each transaction completed through their platform.

NFT aggregator marketplaces work by integrating with multiple NFT marketplaces through APIs, pulling information about NFT listings, prices, and transactions, and displaying them in a standardized format to allow users to browse and purchase NFTs from multiple marketplaces in one place.

Growth of NFT Aggregator Market

The NFT aggregator market is experiencing a significant surge in growth as more buyers and sellers seek to simplify their NFT trading experience and access a wider range of digital collectibles. In 2022, the NFT aggregator market saw a significant surge in growth, with revenues increasing by more than 200% compared to the previous year. It is expected that this trend will continue in 2023.

According to industry analysts, the NFT aggregator market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40% from 2023 to 2028. If this trend continues, the market size of NFT aggregators is estimated to reach $6 billion by 2028, up from $250 million in 2022. This tremendous growth is due to the increasing demand for a more efficient and streamlined way to buy and sell NFTs across multiple marketplaces, as well as the emergence of new and innovative NFT aggregator platforms that offer enhanced features and services.

This growth is attributed to the increasing popularity of NFTs and the need for more efficient and user-friendly ways to access and purchase them. Additionally, the entry of major players such as Gemini and OpenSea into the aggregator market is expected to further fuel growth and increase competition in the space.

Technical Requirements for Developing an NFT Aggregator Marketplace

Building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace requires careful consideration of various technical requirements, including blockchain integration, smart contract development, and compatibility with different blockchain networks.

Blockchain Integration

Since NFTs are typically based on blockchain technology, it’s essential to integrate the marketplace with the appropriate blockchain network to ensure that NFTs can be bought and sold securely. This involves developing a custom API or utilizing existing blockchain integrations to enable seamless transactions.

Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. These contracts allow for automated transactions and help to ensure that the buying and selling process is transparent and secure.

Compatibility With Different Blockchain Networks

Since different blockchain networks use different standards for NFTs, it’s important to ensure that the marketplace can support various blockchain networks. This includes support for popular networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon, among others. By supporting multiple blockchain networks, an NFT Aggregator Marketplace can maximize the reach of the marketplace and enable more creators to showcase their NFTs.

Robust Search and Discovery Feature

The marketplace should have a robust filtering system that allows users to browse and search for NFTs based on various criteria such as price, category, and blockchain network. This feature enables users to find NFTs that match their interests quickly and easily.

Security Measures

Lastly, an NFT Aggregator Marketplace must be secure and have appropriate security measures in place. This includes implementing robust encryption protocols, utilizing multi-factor authentication, and conducting regular security audits to identify and fix any vulnerabilities.

Features of an NFT Aggregator Marketplace

An NFT Aggregator Marketplace offers unique features that differ from traditional NFT marketplaces, and it’s essential to understand these features to build a successful platform. In this section, we will discuss the key features of an NFT Aggregator Marketplace and why they are crucial for aggregating NFTs from multiple sources.

Easy NFT Discovery

The platform should provide various tools and features that allow users to discover new and exciting NFTs easily. These features could include a comprehensive search engine, curated collections, personalized recommendations, and trending NFTs. By providing easy NFT discovery, the marketplace can help creators reach a broader audience and help collectors discover unique and exciting NFTs they might not find elsewhere.

Streamlined Purchasing Process

The platform should offer an easy-to-use and intuitive interface that makes it easy for collectors to buy and sell NFTs. This could include features such as a one-click buy button, an escrow service, and a user-friendly wallet integration. By providing a streamlined purchasing process, the marketplace can make it easy for collectors to buy NFTs from different blockchain networks, making the process seamless and straightforward.

Support for Multiple Blockchain Networks

An NFT Aggregator Marketplace should support multiple blockchain networks, allowing creators to showcase their NFTs from different blockchain networks. This could include support for popular networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon, among others. By supporting multiple blockchain networks, the marketplace can attract a broader audience, enabling more creators to showcase their NFTs on the platform.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface is essential for an NFT Aggregator Marketplace. The platform should have an intuitive design that makes it easy for users to navigate and find the NFTs they’re interested in. The interface should be easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, and accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.

Robust Security Features

Security is paramount for any NFT marketplace, and an NFT Aggregator Marketplace should have robust security features. This could include implementing robust encryption protocols, utilizing multi-factor authentication, and conducting regular security audits to identify and fix any vulnerabilities.

By providing these features, the marketplace can provide a seamless and secure platform for creators and collectors to engage in the buying and selling of NFTs.

Challenges and Solutions to Building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace

Building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace comes with several unique challenges that developers must overcome to create a successful platform. In this section, we will discuss some of the challenges that developers may encounter when building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace and provide potential solutions to these challenges.

Data Standardization

One significant challenge that developers may encounter when building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace is data standardization. NFTs can come in various formats, and each creator may use different metadata standards to describe their NFTs. This can create inconsistencies in the data and make it difficult to compare and analyze NFTs across different networks.

Solution: Implement a Metadata Standard

To overcome this challenge, developers can implement a metadata standard that all NFT creators must adhere to when creating NFTs. This standard can include specific fields such as name, description, image, and author, among others, to ensure consistency across all NFTs on the platform. By implementing a metadata standard, developers can ensure that all NFTs are organized and can be easily discovered and analyzed by users.

User Authentication

User authentication is another significant challenge that developers may encounter when building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace. The platform must ensure that users are who they claim to be and prevent fraud and unauthorized access to user data.

Solution: Use Blockchain-Based Identity Verification

To overcome this challenge, developers can use blockchain-based identity verification to authenticate users. This method leverages the security features of the blockchain to create a decentralized identity verification system that is tamper-proof and secure. By using blockchain-based identity verification, developers can ensure that all users on the platform are authenticated and prevent unauthorized access to user data.

Smart Contract Development

Smart contract development is another challenge that developers may encounter when building an NFT Aggregator Marketplace. Smart contracts are essential to the platform as they help facilitate the buying and selling of NFTs, but they can be complex and require significant expertise to develop.

Solution: Utilize Smart Contract Templates

To overcome this challenge, developers can utilize smart contract templates to simplify smart contract development. These templates provide a pre-built framework that developers can customize to fit the needs of their platform, reducing the time and expertise required to develop smart contracts. By utilizing smart contract templates, developers can streamline the development process and focus on building other features of the platform.

By addressing these challenges, developers can create a successful NFT Aggregator Marketplace that provides a seamless and secure platform for creators and collectors to engage in the buying and selling of NFTs.

NFT Aggregator Marketplace Development in Simple Steps

Creating an NFT aggregator marketplace requires a solid understanding of blockchain technology and web development. In this article, we will guide you through the process of building an NFT aggregator marketplace.

Choose the Blockchain

The first step in building an NFT aggregator marketplace is choosing the blockchain on which the marketplace will operate. Ethereum is the most popular blockchain for NFTs, but there are other blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, Flow, and others that support NFTs as well.

Choose the Development Framework

Once you have determined the blockchain and features, choose a development framework. There are many blockchain development frameworks available, but some popular ones include:

  • Truffle
  • Embark
  • Brownie

These frameworks will help you write, test, and deploy smart contracts on the blockchain.

Develop Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are stored on the blockchain. They are used to manage the buying and selling of NFTs on the marketplace. The smart contracts will be responsible for verifying the ownership of NFTs, handling transactions, and storing user data.

Build the Backend

The backend of the NFT aggregator marketplace is responsible for handling user authentication, database management, and communication with the blockchain. You will need to create a server that interacts with the blockchain through a node or API.

Design the Frontend

The frontend is the user interface that users will interact with. It should be intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. You can use popular frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue to create the frontend.

Test and Deploy

Before deploying the NFT aggregator marketplace, it is essential to test all functionalities to ensure that the platform is working as expected. You can use testnets like Rinkeby, Ropsten, or Kovan to test the smart contracts and frontend.

Once you have tested everything, you can deploy the NFT aggregator marketplace to the mainnet. NFT aggregator marketplace development companies are specialized in creating aggregator platforms for digital collectibles. They can provide assistance to entrepreneurs and developers in building a fully functional and scalable platform with all the necessary features and integrations.

Revenue model of NFT aggregator marketplace

The revenue model for NFT aggregator marketplaces varies depending on the platform. Some NFT aggregators charge a commission fee for each transaction made through their platform, while others may charge a subscription fee for premium features. Additionally, some NFT aggregators may offer advertising or marketing services to NFT creators or sellers to generate additional revenue.

One of the benefits of NFT aggregator marketplaces is that they offer additional revenue streams for NFT marketplaces. By pulling NFTs from multiple marketplaces, NFT aggregators can help drive traffic and sales to those marketplaces, generating revenue for both the aggregator and the original marketplace. Additionally, NFT aggregators can provide valuable data and insights to NFT marketplaces, allowing them to make informed decisions on how to improve their platform and offerings.

How NFT aggregators will enhance the digital collectibles market growth?

NFT aggregators have the potential to enhance the growth of the digital collectibles market in several ways.

First, NFT aggregators provide a more convenient way for buyers to discover and purchase NFTs. By aggregating NFTs from multiple marketplaces in one place, NFT aggregators make it easier for buyers to find the NFTs they are looking for, without having to search across multiple platforms. This convenience factor can help attract new buyers to the NFT market, increasing demand and driving growth.

Second, NFT aggregators can help increase liquidity in the NFT market by providing a more efficient way for buyers to purchase NFTs. By aggregating NFTs from multiple marketplaces, NFT aggregators can provide a larger pool of NFTs for buyers to choose from, increasing the likelihood that a buyer will find the NFT they are looking for. This can help reduce the amount of time it takes to complete a transaction, making the NFT market more accessible to a wider range of buyers.

Third, NFT aggregators can help promote the value of NFTs by showcasing a variety of high-quality NFTs from different marketplaces. By presenting NFTs in a curated and organized manner, NFT aggregators can help buyers discover NFTs that they may not have otherwise found. This can help increase the perceived value of NFTs, driving demand and growth in the market.

Future of NFT Aggregator marketplaces

The future of NFT aggregator marketplaces looks bright, given the significant growth and development in the NFT ecosystem. NFT aggregators are emerging as a new avenue for NFT collectors and investors to discover, compare, and purchase NFTs from multiple marketplaces with ease. Here are some of the predictions for the future of NFT aggregator marketplaces.

Increased Adoption

The use of NFT aggregator marketplaces is expected to increase as more collectors and investors seek to diversify their portfolios and find the best deals. As more NFT aggregators enter the market, there will be more competition, which will drive innovation, create more transparency, and lower costs for NFT buyers.

New Features and Functionality

NFT aggregator marketplaces will continue to evolve and add new features and functionality to improve the user experience. Some of the features that we can expect to see include advanced search capabilities, price comparison tools, and the ability to create customized collections. Moreover, the integration of blockchain technology will enhance the security and transparency of transactions.

Emerging Niches

As the NFT ecosystem continues to grow and mature, we can expect to see the emergence of new niches and submarkets within the NFT aggregator marketplaces. These niches could range from digital art to collectibles, gaming items, virtual real estate, and much more.

Partnerships and Integrations

NFT aggregator marketplaces will likely form strategic partnerships and integrations with other platforms and marketplaces to expand their offerings and reach a broader audience. We could see integrations with social media platforms, gaming platforms, and even e-commerce platforms to make it easier for buyers to discover and purchase NFTs.

In conclusion, NFT Aggregator Marketplaces have emerged as an important trend in the NFT ecosystem, offering several benefits over traditional NFT marketplaces. By aggregating NFTs from multiple sources, NFT Aggregator Marketplaces offer increased visibility and exposure for NFT creators, as well as a wider selection of NFTs for collectors. However, building a successful NFT Aggregator Marketplace requires careful consideration of technical requirements, key features, and potential challenges.




I am a fervent writer who is high on curating informative content on crypto, NFTs, and a gamut of applications surmounting blockchain technology.