NFTs in Ticketing

Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2021

NFT being an innovative concept has created a major buzz around digital art and is prepared to step into all the other markets now.

One such location is an event marketplace, where NFT may bridge the divide between physical and digital ticketing.

Do you recall when people used to collect old school tickets? Each ticket was one-of-a-kind, conjuring up memories of opera nights in Vienna, the World Cup in England, or music festivals in California. Without a doubt, digitalization simplified tickets, but a basic QR code with no explanation behind it doesn’t look very interesting. Nowadays, tickets lack the memory component that individuals desired to carry with them when they moved or travelled.

Currently, the ticketing system is devoid of memories that serve as a reminder of memorable occasions from previous events. NFTs have been introduced to enhance the functionality and memorability of tickets. A paper ticket may be misplaced or become damp and damaged. Additionally, travelling with a paper ticket is difficult due to the possibility of it being misplaced. Additionally, organizers do not receive enough protection with paper-based tickets, which are easily forged. QR codes appeared to be a viable option for organizers but were ineffective in terms of attendees purchasing them.

You don’t need to make concessions while using NFTs, as the technology helps both organizers and attendees. Let’s now understand how NFTs work in the ticketing industry.

How does NFT function in the context of ticketing?

NFTs are cryptographically distinct digital tokens that are kept on the blockchain. Once generated on the blockchain, they may be sold digitally to consumers. Customers may then store NFTs in a secure wallet accessible from any device.

Event organizers can mint the appropriate amount of NFT tickets using their preferred blockchain platform in the ticketing system. They can code the NFTs to establish a sale price or conduct the sale as an auction in which participants can begin bidding for tickets. Customers then purchase NFT tickets and save them in their mobile wallets. They generate NFTs upon their visit to the event

What are the advantages of utilizing NFT Ticketing?

NFTs have the ability to improve both the attendee and organizer experience when purchasing tickets. Let us examine how

  • Preventing forgeries and frauds
    Blockchain technology establishes a single point of truth for both ticket holders and organizers. The movement of NFTs from the original sale to resale is immutably recorded on the blockchain, allowing all parties to independently verify the ticket’s legitimacy. In situations where the resale of tickets is prohibited, NFTs can be created as non-transferrable, unable to be physically transferred to another customer.
  • Cost savings
    compared to the old ticketing system, the expenses involved with selling and minting NFTs are minimal. You may obtain an unforgeable ticket at a lower manufacturing cost, allowing customers and organizers to verify the validity of each ticket in the chain and monitor its ownership history.
  • Rapid manufacturing
    In less than a minute and NFT may be minted and ready to sell.
  • Perpetual Revenue
    Because programmable NFTs can include built-in rules for merchandise, content, resales, and royalty splits, the organizer can analyze profit sharing percentages for future resales or creative content on secondary markets and collect funds with the assurance that they will not be altered within the NFT’s coding.
  • New Income Streams
    NFT-based tickets serve as programmable money, creating an infinite number of new revenue streams. For instance, reselling NFT tickets as collectibles, utilizing NFT tickets to offer food and beverage discounts, and rewarding fans who have amassed a large number of event tickets.

What services does NFT Ticketing provide guests?

  • Benefit from event organizers’ benefits and incentives.
  • Sell tickets to forthcoming events that you will be unable to attend.
  • Sell one-of-a-kind vintage tickets that others would want to collect.
  • Safely save tickets to preserve memories.
  • Get yourself involved with and become a part of the communities of event organizers.

How does NFT Ticketing benefit organizers?

Create artistic tickets that tell the tale of an event to entice people to collect them.

Ascertain the validity of each ticket and the owner.

Earn a portion of the prize when an owner of an NFT ticket resells the ticket.

Access prospective data in order to improve later events.

Distribute NFT tickets quickly and simply by email or text message.

As you know live events industry is one of the renowned sectors, hence can be entirely impacted by NFTs. It is a business in which ticketing firms and concert producers must keep a lookout for new possibilities and developing technology that will improve live events.

Additionally, NFT is one of the rising technological trends affecting nearly every sector, including ticketing. NFTs for ticketing increase the platform’s transparency and reassure secondary buyers that they are purchasing a genuine ticket to an event they are interested in.




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