Building Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker Bot

Zeeshan Ahmad
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2024
Real Time Twitter Follow Tracker


In the era of digital connectivity, Twitter remains a key platform for influencers, marketers, and thought leaders to engage and expand their networks. However, keeping up with whom influential figures are following in real time poses a unique challenge due to the platform’s fast-paced nature. Addressing this, the Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker provides an innovative solution to monitor follow activities instantly, ensuring users never miss a strategic connection. This article explores the features of this tool and how it enhances Twitter engagement through Discord notifications.

Twitter’s dynamic environment makes it essential to track interactions efficiently, especially for users managing multiple profiles for branding and communication strategies. Manually monitoring these activities is not only tedious but also inefficient. The Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker mitigates this by automating the tracking process, sending alerts for each new follow, thereby optimizing social media management efforts.

How It Works: A Closer Look

The tracker is meticulously designed to monitor specific Twitter users, sending automated alerts directly to your Discord server whenever a new follow is registered. These notifications are not just basic alerts; they provide comprehensive details about the followed accounts including profile pictures, bios, follower counts, and total tweets. This level of detail allows for deeper analysis and more strategic decision-making.

Key Features:

  • Instant Notifications: Delivered through Discord, enabling teams or individual users to receive timely updates.
  • Detailed Insights: Each alert includes rich details about the new follows, providing more than just names but a snapshot of their digital persona.
  • User-Friendly Setup: With prerequisites like Python 3.6 and access to Twitter and Discord APIs, setting up the bot on your local machine is straightforward and well-documented.

Leveraging Real-Time Tracking:

The core of the Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker lies in its ability to provide immediate notifications via Discord when a tracked Twitter account follows a new profile. This feature is crucial for users who require up-to-the-minute updates to stay ahead in rapidly changing social landscapes. Each alert includes comprehensive details such as profile pictures, bios, follower counts, and total tweets of the newly followed accounts, enriching the context for the user.

Enhancing Engagement with Discord Integration:

Integrating Discord into the tracking process allows users to receive notifications in a platform that is increasingly popular for community building and real-time communication. This integration ensures that whether you are part of a larger team or managing your accounts solo, you receive timely updates in an accessible and centralized location, making it easier to react and strategize based on new connections.

Developing the Automation Logic:

The tracker utilizes Python for its scripting and automation capabilities, making it both robust and flexible. By employing libraries such as `tweepy` for interacting with the Twitter API and `` for sending notifications to Discord, the tracker offers a seamless experience from setup to daily use.

Here’s a glimpse of how simple the setup process is:

# Sample Python code for setting up the Twitter Follow Tracker
from tweepy import API
from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter

# Initialize Twitter and Discord clients
twitter_api = API(twitter_credentials)
discord_webhook = Webhook.from_url("your_webhook_url", adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter())

# Function to send notifications to Discord
def send_discord_alert(new_follow):
discord_webhook.send(f"New follow detected: {} - {}")

# Add more functionality as needed

Scalability and Performance Considerations:

The Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker is designed to scale with your needs. Whether you’re tracking a few accounts or several dozen, the system is built to handle significant loads without compromising on speed or accuracy. This scalability ensures that as your tracking needs grow, the tool grows with you, maintaining performance and reliability.

Conclusion and Next Steps:

The Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker revolutionizes how users engage with Twitter by automating the monitoring of follow activities. It is an indispensable tool for anyone looking to enhance their social media strategy by leveraging real-time data. To explore more about this tool or to contribute to its development, visit the GitHub Repository and get involved in the evolution of social media tracking technologies.

Further Reading (Internal Linking)

Call to Action:

Impressed by what the Real-Time Twitter Follow Tracker can do for your Twitter strategy? Star or fork the GitHub repository to support our project. If you found this article helpful, please share it within your network and help others discover this powerful tool!



Zeeshan Ahmad

AI/ML/DL enthusiast | Python/Web Automation expert | Passionate Problem Solver