Quarkus -Make Java Great Again

Jaydeep Deshmukh
Published in
8 min readFeb 28, 2020


Last year 2019 saw first release of Quarkus from RedHat. Going by open source philosophy of “release early, release often” first announcement of Quarkus come back in March 2019, then after we have seen 30 releases over 36 weeks, that’s one every 9 days with new features each time. And since then lot of discussions going on about Quarkus, specially there is huge buzz among the developers, folks using Java,cloud,spring-boot & micro-services are going ecstatic about this new stack in the market.

Some folks call Quarkus as Future of Java Runtime ,some call it Container native java, some people says Quarkus will kill spring boot and what not. Official quarkus website call it as Supersonic-Subatomic Java. Some tech savvy people even recommend not to use java spring micro-services for building cloud native apps, instead they advice to build cloud native apps using micro-services with quarkus.

Being a proud Java Developer from start of my career, I have been using all different java frameworks like spring, spring boot,JPA,micro-services and different components from cloud world to empower the apps. When I heard…



Jaydeep Deshmukh

Young male millennial navigating the tech world as a software developer.