Six Newly Introduced Features of Spring Boot 3.0

A Summary of changes introduced/updated in Spring Boot 3.0 that you should be aware of.

Somnath Musib
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2023


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Spring Boot 3.0 was released on November 2022. Here is a consolidated list of changes introduced/updated to the framework.

1. Java 17 Baseline and Java 19 Support

To use Spring Boot 3, you need minimum JDK 17. It will not work with JDK 8 or 11. If you are using JDK lower than version 17, then you need to upgrade JDK first, and then upgrade/use Spring Boot 3. Spring Boot 3 is also tested with JDK 19, and it works with version 19.

2. Spring Framework 6 and Jakarta EE 9

Spring Boot 3 is based on Spring Framework 6.0 and Jakarta EE 9. A notable change while using the Spring Boot 3 is that you will need to use the jakarta.* packages instead of javax.* packages. Thus, if you are using Jakarta EE types like annotations, validations, or JPA in your application, you’ll need to change all of them to jakarta.* packages.

3. GraalVM Native Image Support

Native Image support is one of the key features introduced in the framework. As the name suggests, with native image feature, you can convert your application…



Somnath Musib

Software Developer, Cloud Architect | Author "Spring Boot In Practice" . Find more at