Spring Boot & MongoDB: Searching and Pagination

Implement search and pagination in a Spring Boot app using MongoTemplate

Milena Lazarevic


MongoTemplate class provides us features for interacting with the database and offers operations to create, update, delete, and query MongoDB documents in a thread-safe way. The MongoTemplate class implements the interface MongoOperations. You can find methods like find, findAndModify, findAndReplace, findOne, insert, remove, save, update etc… MongoOperations has fluent APIs for Query and Criteria which we will use in this example.

First, I went on and added connection details to the application.properties file. Spring Boot will automatically detect this configuration, make a connection to the database and as well create MongoTemplate instance for us to inject.

After that, we have a simple example class Person, which we will use to generate bunch of people, using random data from java-faker library.



Milena Lazarevic

Software Engineer| How-To & Guides Writer | Women In Tech Advocate | Master Troll | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/milena-lazarevic/