Spring Framework: Day 28 — Monitoring and Managing Microservices

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3 min readApr 12, 2024

Welcome to Day 28 of our Spring Framework series, focusing today on monitoring and managing microservices. As microservices architecture promotes developing distributed systems, monitoring their health, performance, and status becomes crucial. Fortunately, Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Cloud Admin offer robust tools for these tasks, helping you keep a close eye on your microservices ecosystem. Let’s explore how to leverage these tools effectively.

Using Spring Boot Actuator for Monitoring

Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features to monitor our application, giving insights into various metrics, health, and environment information.

Enable Spring Boot Actuator:

Add the Actuator starter to your pom.xml:

Accessing Actuator Endpoints:

After adding the dependency, Actuator endpoints like /actuator/health, /actuator/info, and /actuator/metrics become available.

Customizing Actuator Endpoints:

You can customize Actuator’s behavior in application.properties, for example, by exposing additional endpoints:

Centralized Monitoring with Spring Cloud Admin

Spring Cloud Admin offers a user-friendly web interface for managing and monitoring Spring Boot applications. It provides detailed information on health, metrics, environment properties, and more for each service instance.

Setting Up a Spring Cloud Admin Server:

Create a new Spring Boot application and include the spring-boot-admin-starter-server dependency:

Enable the admin server in your main application class:

Connecting Microservices to Spring Cloud Admin:

In your microservice application, add the spring-boot-admin-starter-client dependency:

Configure the microservice to register with the admin server in application.properties:

Practice Assignments

Assignment 1: Expose Custom Metrics with Spring Boot Actuator

  • Objective: Enhance monitoring capabilities by exposing custom metrics in your microservice.
  • Task: Create and expose a custom metric that tracks a specific operation in your microservice, such as the number of times a particular method is called.
  • Hints: Use Micrometer to create a custom Counter metric. Increment this counter in your method, and ensure it's exposed via Actuator's /actuator/metrics endpoint.

Assignment 2: Implement Health Check Indicators for Your Microservice

  • Objective: Implement custom health indicators to monitor critical components of your microservice, such as database connections or external service availability.
  • Task: Define a health indicator that checks the availability of an external service your microservice depends on.
  • Hints: Implement the HealthIndicator interface, perform a simple availability check (e.g., a ping operation), and return Health.up() or Health.down() based on the result.


Effective monitoring and management are crucial for maintaining microservices’ health and performance. By leveraging Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Cloud Admin, you gain valuable insights into your application’s state and behavior, enabling proactive maintenance and troubleshooting. Completing today’s assignments provides practical experience in enhancing your microservices’ observability. As we approach the final days of our series, continue to explore these tools and consider how they can be integrated into your development and deployment pipelines for more resilient microservice architectures. Stay tuned for Day 29, where we’ll explore deploying Spring Boot applications to the cloud.




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