TDD Katas

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1 min readJun 15, 2020

TDD(Test Driven Development) Katas are exercises that are designed to help programmers improve their TDD skills. The idea behind a Kata is to learn by repeating over and over again. The mechanics of TDD need to be embedded into the brain of moderns programmers and that’s why we practice Katas.

Remember the Steps:

  1. Write a failing test
  2. Write the minimum code to make your test pass
  3. Refactor

Keep repeating those steps again and again as many times as you can and you will master the craft of TDD.

After you finish a Kata, delete your code and try again. It is likely that your next solution will be different. Here I am going to leave you some videos of me doing some of the classic TDD’s. I hope you find them useful.

Roman Numerals (From Arabic to Roman)

Roman Numerals (From Roman to Arabic)


Conway’s Game of Life




The present continuous form of “to program in Java”.