These 3 Lombok Annotations Might Skyrocket In Popularity After Java 17 Migration

Emanuel Trandafir
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2022


Let’s discuss Lombok’s @With, @Builder, and @NonNull annotations and see how we can use them with Java 17 records.


Even though records are immutable objects, sometimes we might need to change the attributes of an object.

To solve this, we can create a new instance of the object and copy all the old values, except for the one that needs to be changed. Our method will return a new instance with the modified field and the old instance will not be affected:

If we add a similar “with” method for one or two other fields, we can already imagine the boilerplate code piling up.

Fortunately enough, we can use Lombok’s @With to generate the these methods:


Instantiating bigger record objects with nullable fields might be troublesome: Passing “null” is a known code smell regardless if it is done to call a method…



Emanuel Trandafir

Hi, I'm Emanuel Trandafir, a Java developer from Romania. I have a strong passion for clean code, software design, and unit testing.