Top 10 Free Courses to Learn React.js in 2024

These are the best free online React.js courses for beginner web developers to learn essential React.js concepts, hooks, state management, and Redux

11 min readMay 12, 2020


best Free Courses to Learn React.js

Hello guys, if you know about frontend development then you know that React.js is one of the most popular Javascript libraries for building user interfaces. It’s backed by Facebook and it’s often viewed as an alternative to the Angular framework by Google.

I have been asking programmers to learn React.js for quite sometimes and have been sharing resources like online React.js courses and this React Developer RoadMap. Today, I will share some free courses for people who can’t afford to pay for online training. These are also good for people who prefer to learn a new technology using free courses.

React is also very flexible, fast, easy to learn, and fun to work with. It is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive and that’s why most of the modern GUI and web applications are built using the React framework.

It is developed on Facebook and focuses on the ‘View’ aspect of MVC in web applications. React was built for the purpose of developing applications that are large in nature and have to deal with time-changing data. So if you need a fast update, I mean updating individual components without updating whole DOM then React is the right framework.

Once you know React you can also use that knowledge to build native mobile applications for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones using React Native, which allows you to write native mobile apps using JavaScript.

Unlike Ionic or Cordova, React Native doesn’t run as a web application or on the WebView, instead it uses native components, which makes it much more appealing.

You also don’t need to spend time learning Java or Kotlin for Android app development and Swift or Objective C for writing iOS applications, you can create mobile applications by writing Javascript code and using the ReactNative framework. In short, React is a high-performance, reactive UI library for client-side web applications.

Btw, if you don’t mind paying few bucks for learning something as valuable as React.js then I also suggest you check out Max’s React — The Complete Guide course on Udemy. It is one of the most comprehensive, up-to-date, engaging, and hands-on course to learn React.js and covers Hooks, React Router as well as Redux. It’s also not expensive and you can get in $9.99 on Udemy sales.

best Udemy Courses to Learn React.js

10 FREE Courses to Learn to React in 2024

Here is my list of some of the free courses to learn the React library for web development. These courses are free of cost but they are really great to get an overview of React and start your journey. Once you have gone through these courses, you should have enough knowledge to use React in your project.

You can also pick up a book to learn React in-depth and that will make more sense because you already know the fundamentals and vocabulary of React.

Actually, this is what I do, when I have to learn something in-depth. Start with an online course, get up to speed, and then read a book to consolidate your knowledge, learn a concept in-depth and become a master of the technology.

1. React Basics in just 1 hour

This short course will cover basic and core concepts that you need to know to get up and running with ReactJS.

Also in this course, it will get you up to speed quickly with easy-to-follow short videos. It is project-oriented with hands-on examples, from simple to complex, that will help you with the most fundamental concepts of React like React custom syntax and the JSX transform components, properties and state, and the power of the virtual DOM.

In short, a great course for anyone who wants to learn React without much knowledge of HTML or CSS.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React Basics in just 1 hour

free course to learn React.js

2. React and Redux Masterclass

This course goes deeper into React and you’ll learn about things like

  • Components
  • JSX
  • State
  • Events
  • Forms

You will also learn how to Refactor applications to be more testable and reusable (decoupled) and connect stateless views with stateless reducers through React containers

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React and Redux Masterclass

best free course to learn React.js and Redux

3. React.js: Getting Started

This is an awesome course to learn the basics of React.js from Pluralsight. This course prepares the student to start developing web applications with the React JS library.

If you don’t know, React.js is an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces with a focus on the UI that’s abstracted from the DOM, and one-way reactive data flow.

The course will explain using an example web application on how to use React.js in your web application.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React.js: Getting Started

best free React course for beginners

4. Front-End Web Development with React

This is the intro level course to learn React if you’ve never done anything in React, and you want to understand how it all works and how to get started.

You will learn various aspects of React components including the React router and its use in developing single-page applications. You will also learn about designing controlled forms. You will be introduced to Flux architecture and Redux.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Front-End Web Development with React

best free course to learn React.js on Coursera

This course is also part of the Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization which contains a few more courses to teach you other skills required to become a Full-Stack JavaScript developer.

But why when you join a Specialization’s courses for free for audit then you won’t get any certificate. If you are joining this course to get Coursera certificate then you need to either enroll into the specialization or take a subscription plan like Coursera Plus which provides unlimited access to more than 7000+ Coursera courses, projects, and professional certificates.

5. React Fundamentals

This is another excellent free Udemy course to learn about the React framework from scratch. This course covers the features offered by React and explains their advantages and disadvantages relative to the other popular options available.

It also explores important topics like React’s one-way reactive data flow, the virtual DOM, and JSX syntax for describing markup.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE —React Fundamentals

best free Udemy course to learn React.js

6. Building Applications with React and Flux [Free Trial]

A great course to start with React, React Router, and Flux by building a real-world style data-driven application that manages Pluralsight author data.

This course uses a modern client-side development stack including Node, Browserify, Gulp, and Bootstrap.

Btw, this course and other Pluralsight courses are not completely free. You need a Pluralsight membership to access these courses, but don’t worry. Pluralsight also provides a 10-day free trial. which you can use to access this course.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Building Applications with React and Flux

best Pluralsight course to learn React

Though, if you can afford it, Pluralsight membership is completely worthy of its money. By paying just around $29 you get access to more than 5000 courses on the latest and greatest technologies.

If you go for an annual membership, it cost around $299, which is also a very good price for these many courses and continued learning. They are also offering a 33% discount now which means you can get the annual membership form for just $190.

7. React vs Angular vs Vue.js by Example

With all of the various javascript libraries and frameworks, you might be a little bit confused as to where to begin. Right now, the three powerhouses in the javascript world are React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Sometimes, the best course of action is to make up your own mind based on your own experiences. And that’s exactly what this course will aim to do.

We’re going to design and develop a single-page app in React, Angular, and Vue.js. The goal here is to help you determine which workflow you like best based on your own needs and preferences.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React vs Angular vs Vue.js by Example

best free course to learn React and Vue.js

8. React, Redux, React-Router, Hooks, and Auth0

This is one of those free React courses which covers everything you want in a paid course. This is a 4 hour 38-minute long course and covers React, Redux, React-Router, Auth9, and Hooks.

The courses use modern ES5, ES6, ES7 Javascript Syntax and will teach you How React Works Under the Hood. Since Authentication is a must, and with this course, you’ll be able to connect your apps to Auth0 with ease. You will also learn about Modern Authentication and Routing Patterns.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React, Redux, React-Router, Hooks, and Auth0

best free online course to learn React and Redux

9. React Hooks and Context (with React-Redux migration guide)

This is a nice little free course to learn on React Hooks on Udemy which teaches React Hooks at a Deeper Level. You will learn things like useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext

You will also learn how to use React hooks with existing Redux code and how to manage the Global state with Context API. If you thinking to migrate your existing React code into Hooks, then you should join this course.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React Hooks and Context (with React-Redux migration guide)

best free React Hooks course for beginners

10. React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners

This is another free React course for beginners. In this course, you will learn the core fundamentals of React JS and Modern JavaScript so that you can start building lightning-fast web apps using React JS.

In this course, you will learn Modern JavaScript and React JS from absolute scratch. you will learn to make AJAX requests to get data from remote API and display it into your web application.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners

best course to learn React for FREE

10. FullStack React

If you like reading books along with watching the course then this book is for you. A wise developer will want to have a well-rounded understanding of web development. To acquire this, you should employ a few of the other disciplines utilized by seasoned professionals.

In this book, you will learn Full Stack React from experts like Anthony Accomazzo, Nate Murray, Ari Lerner, Clay Allsopp, David Guttman, and Tyler McGinnis. There is hardly any book where you get a chance to learn from so many experts in one place.

This React.js book will broaden your understanding of multiple frameworks and ways to employ full-stack development. You will be a confident developer, after digesting the topics in this important text.

All contributors are respected authors and developers, with extensive experience with many languages and frameworks

Here is the link to buy this book — . FullStack React

best book to learn React.js

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn React JS for free. React is backed by Facebook and it’s the biggest competitor of Google’s Angular framework. If you are serious about web development this time then React is one of the important frameworks to learn.

You can also use your React knowledge to develop native mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native, which allows you to write a mobile application in JavaScript. A framework like Redux also makes your job easy while developing a modern GUI.

Other Free Online Courses You May like to explore

  1. The Complete Web Developer RoadMap
  2. My favorite free JavaScript tutorials for Beginners
  3. 15 Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS courses for Web Developers
  4. 10 JavaScript Frameworks Web Developers Can Learn
  5. Top 5 Courses to learn Web Development
  6. My favorite free Courses to learn HTML and CSS
  7. 5 Free Docker Courses for Frontend Developers
  8. 7 Free Courses to learn SQL and Database for Beginners
  9. The Complete React.js Developer RoadMap
  10. 10 Books and Courses to learn Angular in 2024
  11. 5 Best books to learn React.js for Beginners
  12. 5 Best Courses to learn React Native in 2024

Closing Notes

Thanks for reading this article so far. You might be thinking that there is so much stuff to learn, so many courses to join, but you don’t need to worry.

There is a good chance that you may already know most of the stuff, and there are also a lot of useful free resources, books, and websites which you can use, I have also linked them here and there along with the best resources, which are certainly not free, but worth of money.

I am a particular fan of Udemy, edX, Educative, and Coursera courses as they are very affordable and provide a lot of value in a very small amount, but you are free to choose the course you want.

At the end of the day, you should have enough knowledge and experience about the things mentioned here.

Good luck with your JavaScript journey! It’s certainly not going to be easy, but by following this roadmap and guide, you are one step closer to becoming the Web Developer, you always wanted to be

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P. S. —If you don’t mind paying a few bucks for learning something as valuable as React.js then I also suggest you check out Max’s React — The Complete Guide course on Udemy.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and