17 Best Udemy Courses for Java and Spring Developers in 2024

These are the best Java, Reactive Spring, Performance, and Spring courses Java developers can buy on Udemy sales.

11 min readAug 19, 2020


15 Best Udemy Courses to Learn Java and Spring Boot

Hello folks, you may know that Udemy is now running their biggest sale where every single course is priced just $9.99, Yes you heard it right, only $9.99, even for a course whose original price is $200.

This is the event I usually wait, where I can buy courses in bulk and then use them later. I have saved a lot of money by doing that in the past like they ran one during New year's sale when I went into a shopping spree and bought 20 courses in one go.

Today also I have purchased a couple of classes to learn Reactive Spring, Java Performance, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Functional Programing, Microservices, and other advanced Java topics.

I think this is an excellent opportunity for Java developers to upgrade their skills but like many others, if you are also confused upon what to buy then here is the list of best Java and Spring courses you can buy on Udemy sale. In this list, I have compiled some of the best courses for Java and Web developers.

Even though I have already bought more than 30 courses from Udemy in the last couple of months, I have only included 10 of the best ones, which I think is essential for Java developers.

Btw, if you find a suitable course which you want to share with us, feel free to do so.

17 Best Java and Spring Framework Courses from Udemy in 2024

Anyway, here is my list of some of the best courses for Java and Web developers from Udemy. This includes courses on Java 11, Spring 5, Spring Boot 2, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, REST API, Microservice, and general web development stuff. This should be a good list of skills to learn and update in 2024.

1. Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5

Another excellent and advanced course by John Thompson, which particular focus on reactive programming with Spring 5. This course provides hands-on experience with building a Reactive application to stream ‘movie events’ leveraging the Reactive data types and WebFlux — both are new features of Spring Framework 5.

Here is the link to join this course — Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5

best Reactive Programming Course for Java Developers

2. Java Application Performance and Memory Management

If you are a senior Java developer and want to improve your Java application performance skill then this probably the best course to start with.

In this course, you’ll first learn what can cause performance issues in Java applications like threads, memory, Garbage collection, and how to resolve them.

You’ll learn about various ways that you can configure the Java virtual machine to provide better performance at run-time. And we’ll be diving deep into how the virtual machine manages memory and the garbage collection process.

Here is the link to join this courseJava Application Performance and Memory Management

best Java Performance Course for Java Developers

3. Java Multithreading, Concurrency & Performance Optimization

This one is another excellent course for experienced JAva developer looking to become an expert in Multithreading, Concurrency Parallel programming in Java, with a strong emphasis on high performance

In this course, you will learn all the essential tools you need to troubleshoot performance and memory-related issues, thread related problems and JVM specific things.

As I have said before, tools are really important becuase a Java developer is as good as its tools. If you don’t know how to profile your Java application then you will never know which object is taking all the memory and where is the bottleneck in your code.

Similarly, if you can’t read the thread dump then you don’t know where exactly your program has stuck, are they waiting for Database to respond or another server or waiting for some file lock. If you know the right tool, you can troubleshoot quickly and efficiently.

Here is the link to join this courseJava Multithreading, Concurrency & Performance Optimization

Best Multithreading course for Java Programmers

4. Full Stack: Angular and Spring Boot

This is a great course to learn how to build a Full Stack application with Angular and Spring Boot. In this course, you will develop a Full Stack application with Angular front-end and Spring Boot back-end. The best thing about this course is its live-coding format.

You will type in every line of code with the instructor in the videos and he will explain every line of code to help you learn! sounds great, isn’t it?

Here is the link to join the course:

Full Stack: Angular and Spring Boot

5. Microservices Software Architecture: Patterns and Techniques

This is one of the rare courses to learn and understand the solution architecture behind Microservices. In this course, you will learn in detail the software architecture patterns and techniques to develop robust and scalable microservices

We will go through techniques and design patterns that are required in enterprise architecture including :

  • Event Sourcing pattern
  • Saga pattern
  • Microservice Registration
  • Circuit breaker pattern
  • API composition
  • Two-Phase Commit
  • Microservice Discovery

The course is structured around both video tutorials explaining different techniques and architecture patterns, and (optional) assignments to help make sure you’re understanding what we’re learning

Here is the link to join this course — Microservices Software Architecture: Patterns and Techniques

Best Microservices course for Java Programmers

6. Learn AWS — Deploy Java Spring Boot to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This is an excellent course for Spring Boot developers, particularly if you want to learn how to deploy Spring boot application on Amazon Web service Cloud.

In this course, you will deploy Java Spring Boot Apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Take Java Spring Boot REST APIs & Full Stack to AWS. A big thanks to In28Minutes Official for creating this practical course.

Here is the link to join the course: Learn AWS — Deploy Java Spring Boot to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

7. Testing Spring Boot: Beginner to Guru

If you want to become an expert Spring Boot developer then you also need to master the art of testing Spring Boot applications. This course by John Thomson will help you to become an Expert Testing Java and Spring Boot Applications using JUnit 5, Mockito, Spring Boot, and More!

Here is the link to join the course: Testing Spring Boot: Beginner to Guru

8. Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and React

If you are looking to become a full-stack Java developer in 2024 then this is a great course to join.

In this course, you will learn the basics of full-stack web development developing a Basic Todo Management Application using React, Spring Boot, and Spring Security Frameworks.

You will build the Todo Management Application step by step — in more than 100 steps.

Here is the link to join the course: Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and React

9. The Complete Java Masterclass

First thing first, if you are a professional Java developer, you got to learn recent Java versions like Java 9, 10, 11, and 17.

Even if you don’t use Jigsaw, there are some API enhancement that is worth looking in Java 9 like creating a map or list in JDK 11 is much more comfortable with new factory methods introduced in JDK 9.

This course was recently updated to cover Java 11 and provides a good overview of all new features of JDK 9, JDK 10, and JDK 17.

Here is the link to join this course — The Complete Java Masterclass

best Udemy course to learn Java

10. Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru

This is one of the most modern and comprehensive Spring Framework courses available on Spring framework 5 and Spring Boot 2 at this moment.

The author, John Thompson, is an authority on Spring world, previously worked for Pivotal customers as a Spring Source consultant, and has also spoken at Spring One.

If you are serious about learning new features of Spring 5, like. Reactive Programming, then this is the right course for you.

Here is the link to join this courseSpring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru

best Udemy course to learn Spring Framework

11. Docker for Java Developers

As the title suggests, this course is specially designed for Java developers. You will learn how you can use Docker to supercharge your enterprise Java Development.

You can take this course once you have a basic understanding of what is Docker and what value it provides in terms of software development and deployment.

Here is the link to join this courseDocker for Java Developers

best course to learn Docker for Java Developers

12. Master Microservice with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Developing RESTful web services and Microservice is fun, and the combination of Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC, Spring Web Services, and JPA makes it even more fun.

In this course, you will learn how to implement microservices using Spring Cloud.

This course is divided into two parts: RESTful web services and Microservices. In the first part of the course, you will learn the basics of RESTful web services, and the second part is focused on Microservices.

Here is the link to join this courseMaster Microservice with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

best Microservice course for Spring developers

13. Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master

If you want to take your DevOps skills to the next level in 2024, this is the right course for you. In this course, you will learn how to build an automated continuous integration pipeline with Jenkins.

You will also understand the fundamental concepts of continuous inspection, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, and the difference between them.

Here is the link to join this courseJenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master

best Jenkins course for Java developers

14. Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git

Git is the most popular version control system at this moment. It’s different from SVN or CVS in the sense that its a distributed version control system, which means you can commit changes on your local repository, and then you can push that to Github or remote repository at once.

This course provides a complete overview of Git, including installation, branching, and merging, downloading projects from Github, Rebasing, Stashing, working with Git bash on the command line, and Tagging essential milestones.

Here is the link to join this courseGit Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git

best Git course for Java developers

15. Maven Crash Course

This is for Java developers who don’t know Maven, one of the essential skills for Java Programmers. Ideally, you should have learned it earlier, but if you haven’t, it’s not too late. You can learn Maven using this Crash course in a couple of days.

Since Maven is the most popular build tool for Java projects and also makes dependency management more comfortable, I strongly recommend every Java developer to learn Maven in 2024, if they haven’t.

Here is the link to join this courseMaven Crash Course

best Maven course for Java developers

16. Docker Mastery: The Complete Toolset From a Docker Captain

Docker is another essential skill for Java developers to learn in 2024. Docker provides a new way of development and deployment for your mobile and web apps. In the current world of distributed development and implementation, its increasingly become an essential skill.

This course not only introduces the big picture of Docker but also provides a complete overview of different Docker tools.

Here is the link to join this courseDocker Mastery: The Complete Toolset From a Docker Captain

best Docker course for Java developers

17. Spring Framework for Beginners with Spring Boot

This is another engaging Spring framework course for beginners, created by none other than Naveen Reddy of Telusko. In this course, you will learn the highly demanded frameworks of the enterprise world: Spring Framework 5 with Spring Boot

Naveen needs no instructor, his enthusiasm to teaching is well known from his Youtube Channel, Telusko and I love this course from him. By taking this course you will have the latest skills that you need to build real applications using the Spring Framework.

Here are the thing you will learn in this course:

  • Spring Core — IoC
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring REST
  • Spring Security

This best Udemy course to learn Spring framework offers hands-on experience building Spring Framework applications using Spring Boot.
This course will be interactive and fun as I will code all the projects from scratch.

Here is the link to join this courseSpring Framework for Beginners with Spring Boot

best course to learn Spring for Java developers

That’s all about some of the top Udemy courses for Java and Web Developers. As I said, currently, Udemy is running a New Year Sale where every course is available for just $10, It’s an excellent opportunity to buy the classes you like, and then you can take them as per your convenience. Udemy gives you lifetime access to the course you buy, which means you can make it anytime.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best Java and Web Development courses from Udemy then please share with your friends. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P.S. — If you need more course recommendations, you can also check this list of best Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, and Spring Framework courses to gain some ideas. I usually mention a couple of Udemy courses which you can buy during this sale.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com