Top 7 Courses to Learn New Features of Java 8 to Java 21 in 2024

These are my favorite online courses to learn new features introduced from Java 8 to Java 17, the latest version of Java programming language in 2024

8 min readDec 28, 2019


Java New Features (Java 12, Java 11, Java 10, Java9 & Java8)

There are many useful features introduced from Java 8 to Java 17 like lambda expressions, Stream API, New Date, and Time API, Creating Immutable Lists, Records, Sealed Classes, var for storing local variables without types, String in switch case, Text Block, and many more.

Staying up to speed with Java is difficult for any Java developer, as a new version of Java is released only six months but If you want to learn those new features and looking for some resources then the following courses will help you.

To summarize releases over the last two years since implementing the predictable six-month release cadence:
Java 10 (Mar 2018): 12 features
Java 11 (Sept 2018): 17 features
Java 12 (Mar 2019): 8 features
Java 13 (Sept 2019): 5 features
Java 14 (Mar 2020): 16 features

Btw, If you are a beginner and learning Java in 2021, I suggest you join the Java Programming MasterClass course by Tim Buchalaka on Udemy, one of the best courses to learn Java in-depth, which he also updated for Java 11 and Java 17.

10 Best Online Courses to learn New Java Features from Java 8 to Java 17

Anyway without wasting any more of your time, here are some of the short courses to learn new features of Java from JDK 8 to JDK 17.

1. Thinking Beyond Java 8 (Java 9 to Java 17: A step by step navigation)

If you quickly want to learn all new features from Java 9 to Java 17 then this Udemy course is perfect for you. In this course, instructor Ajay Iyenger will teach you all the important new Java features from Java 9 to Java 17.

Here is the list of Java features covered in this list:

  • Text Blocks Switch Expressions, Records, Pattern Matching for instanceof, Pattern Matching for the switch, Sealed Classes
  • Garbage Collectors — G1, Epsilon, ZGC, Shenandoah
  • Modularity, jdeps, jlink, jdeprscan
  • Improved Docker Container Detection
  • Tool/Toolkit — J package, JShell, JDK Flight Recorder
  • Factory methods in Collections
  • Compact Strings
  • Understand how String concatenation works behind the scenes
  • Some of the changes in the Stream API
  • Local Variable Type Inference along with recommendations on usage
  • Application Class Data Sharing
  • The new HTTP Client API
  • Handy String API changes
  • Writing scripts using the Java programming language
  • Teeing Collector
  • JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
  • Encapsulated JDK internals
  • Tips on Migration (Examples on JAXB, Hibernate, and Spring Boot). and more!

Overall, one of the best courses to get up to speed with new Java features. The course will immensely benefit Java developers interested in getting up to speed with the ever-evolving Java language.

Here is the link to join this courseThinking Beyond Java 8

2. What’s New in Java 8 By José Paumard

This course covers the most useful parts of Java 8. This update of the Java platform is the biggest of all. It’s even bigger than Java 5 which saw the introduction of generics. We’ll begin with lambda expressions and the Stream API, which bring new fundamental patterns to the Java platform.

Many problems solved with the Iterator pattern are now solved much more efficiently with the patterns brought by the Stream API. But Java 8 is not only about lambdas, streams, and collectors, there is also a new Java Date and Time API which is covered in this course.

3. What’s New in Java 9 By Sander Mak

Java 9 is packed with new features. In this course, What’s New in Java 9, you’ll get an overview of the most important changes to the language and libraries. First, you’ll delve into the module system, introducing modules into the Java language.

Then, you’ll discover jshell, a new tool for interactively experimenting with Java code. Finally, you’ll explore smaller and incremental changes, such as improvements to APIs like Stream and Optional, the addition of collection factory methods, and newly introduced APIs such as ProcessHandle and HttpClient.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to make the most of Java 9 in your own projects.

4. What’s New in Java 10: Local-variable Type Inference

Java 10 is released only six months after Java 9. In this course, What’s New in Java 10: Local-variable Type Inference, you’ll learn about the accelerated release schedule of Java and what it means for you.

First, you’ll learn about the turning point in the release schedule and the new features that are in store. Next, you’ll dive into the most eye-catching feature in Java 10: the introduction of local-variable type inference.

Finally, you’ll uncover other new features such as performance improvements to the G1 Garbage Collector, the introduction of Application Class Data Sharing, and improved Docker awareness of JDK 10. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to make the most of Java 10 in your own projects.

5. What’s New in Java 11 By Sander Mak

In this course, What’s New in Java 11: Long-term Support, you’ll learn about the new and most important features in Java 11.

First, you’ll learn about the accelerated release schedule and how Java 11 is different. Next, you’ll dive into the many deprecations and removals that happened in Java 11 that may affect your codebases.

There are new library and language features to explore as well, such as an all-new HttpClient API. Last, you’ll learn about performance and security enhancements in this release. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to make the most of Java 11 in your own projects.

6. What’s New in Java 12 By Sander Mak

Keeping up with Java can be a challenging task. Only 6 months after the release of Java 11, comes Java 12.

In this course, What’s New in Java 12, you get an overview of all the important new features in Java 12. First, you will learn about API changes, such as the CompactNumberFormat API and new methods on the String class.

Next, you will discover a preview Java language feature called Switch Expressions. Finally, you will explore how to use JMH, a micro-benchmarking tool for Java code that is heavily used in JDK 12 itself. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to make the most of Java 12 in your own projects.

7. What’s New in Java 13 By Sander Mak

Java 13 was the second release of Java in 2019, yes just after six months of Java 12 release.

In this course, What’s New in Java 13, you’ll get an overview of all the important features in Java 13. First, you will learn about API changes, such as updates to the ByteBuffer API.

Next, you will discover a preview Java language feature called Text Blocks. Finally, you will look at platform changes, looking at how the JDK reimplements the Socket API and improves upon the Application Class Data Sharing feature.

When you’re finished with this course, you will be ready to make the most of Java 13 in your own projects.

You can see that all these courses are from Pluralsight and you can access them with just one membership, you don’t need to buy individual courses. Btw, if you don’t have a Pluralsight membership then this is probably the best time to get one to give your learning a boost.

They are now offering a 33% DISCOUNT on their annual and premium membership, which is very rare. If you already have Pluralsight membership, it's also a good time to renew it at a discounted price.

Sorry, I just need one course, not 7

For those, who prefer to buy courses than memberships, there is still one course I can suggest which comprises all JDK changes from Java 8 to Java 12, it’s Java New Features (Java 12, Java 11, Java 10, Java9 & Java8) course on Udemy. It doesn’t cover Java 13 but is still a great collection to learn other features. You can buy it for under $10 in several Udemy flash sales which happen every month.

That’s all about some of the best courses to keep yourself up-to-date with new Java features introduced from JDK 8 to JDK 17. These courses are small and to-the-point which means you can complete them in a quick time and learn only meaningful and essential features instead of learning everything.

Btw, if you are just starting with Java programming language then I don’t recommend these courses as they are for experienced Java programmers who are already pro in Java and just want to learn new features.

For beginners, I recommend courses like The Complete Java Development Bootcamp by Jose Portilla and Team on Udemy. It's created for beginners to not just teach you Java but also programming.

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P. S. — If you are a beginner and learning Java in 2024, I suggest you join the Java Programming MasterClass course by Tim Buchalaka on Udemy, one of the best courses to learn Java in depth.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and