Top 6 Free Courses to learn Ruby and Rails in 2024— Best of Lot

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9 min readApr 28, 2020
Top 5 Free Courses to learn Ruby and Rails
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Hello guys, welcome to this post, if you want to become a Ruby web developer or just want to learn Ruby programming language and Rails framework for web development and looking for the best free Ruby courses then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the best Ruby on Rails courses and here you will find some of the best free courses to learn Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails framework online in 2024.

If you don’t know what is Ruby and what is Rails framework then let me tell you that it's one of the simplest programming languages with little to no syntax.

If you are new to programming or never coded before then also developing a Ruby application will be much easier than choosing any other programming language like Python or Java.

When it comes to developing web development, Ruby on Rails also makes your job easy by making several useful assumptions based upon convention, which means you can do more by writing less code.

It’s also one of the most powerful frameworks for web development and many popular websites like Twitter, Groupon, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, and Yellowpages are built using Ruby on Rails.

In this article, I am going to share some free online courses to learn the Ruby programing language first and then some courses to learn Ruby on Rails from scratch. Btw, most of the Rails courses also teach you Ruby as many programmers start with the Rails itself and learn to program along the way.

I have also chosen hands-on courses that not only tell you the theory but also show you how to stuff live. Most of these courses not only teach you Ruby syntax and rules and how to run the Ruby programs but also they will help you install Ruby on both Windows and Linux, as well as on Virtual Box.

Most of the courses are also project-based and teaches you how to use Ruby and Rails for developing web application by creating web apps from scratch like TODO List, an application like Twitter, Blogger, Wikipedia, etc.

This is actually the most effective way of learning new technology. You learn a lot by seeing your instructor doing stuff, rather than just looking at the slides.

Btw, If you can spend a few bucks and don’t mind learning from paid resources then you can also check out The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course by Rob Percival on Udemy.

6 Best FREE Ruby and Rails Courses for Beginners in 2024

Here is my list of some of the best online courses to learn both Ruby programming language as well as Ruby on Rails framework for FREE. Even though the course is not paid they are very good at quality, especially the course to learn Ruby in Coursera and you should enroll in them to get the benefit and learn a new skill today.

I have also been sharing a lot of free programming resources in this blog and if you are the first time here, you may want to search through the box to find out about free online courses on Java, Spring, Kotlin, DevOps, JavaScript, iOS, Python, and Data Structure and Algorithm.

Anyway, let’s see some of the free Ruby and Rails courses to start your journey on the beautiful world of web development with Ruby and Rails, one of the darling frameworks of many seasoned web developers.

1. Ruby for Absolute Beginners!

This is a beginner-level free course from Udemy to learn the fundamentals of Ruby programming language. If you are new to both Ruby and Programming itself then this is an ideal course to start with.

Before learning Rails, a Ruby framework for developing a web application, it’s important to learn Ruby programming itself. Since Ruby has very little to no syntax, It is the easiest language to learn any programming language.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Ruby for Absolute Beginners!

best free course to learn Ruby Programming language

If you are new to programming or have no prior knowledge of programming, then look nowhere and join this course.

The courses are also well structured and cover all key concepts of Ruby. It’s also hands-on and teaches you how to install Ruby on Mac and Windows and set up your development environment.

2. Ruby on Rails: An Introduction [Coursera Free Course]

This is another amazing course to learn Ruby and Rails from scratch. The course teaches you the amazing and powerful Ruby on Rails framework which forms the backend of amazing new Web sites and Web apps like Twitter, Github, Groupon, and Yellowpages.

The course assumes no prior knowledge of Ruby and it is best for beginners and intermediate web developers. By the end of the series, you will be able to develop interesting and exciting web apps and web solutions.

You will not only learn about Ruby on Rails but also about other useful tools required to work with web applications like Git for downloading code from Github and Heroku to deploy your web application.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Ruby on Rails: An Introduction

best free course to learn Ruby on Rails for beginners

The course will also teach you the basics of Ruby Programming language before going into web development and Ruby on Rails. You will learn Controller View, Routes, Working with Models and Database, Scaffolding and Active Admin, Layout, Presentation, and Testing.

Overall, one of the most complete courses to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails from scratch.

By the way, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and best universities around the world, I suggest you join Coursera Plus, an annual subscription plan from Coursera.

This single subscription gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its completely worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

Is Coursera Plus worth for learning web development

3. Build Web Apps With One Month Rails

This is one of the best and most up-to-date courses to learn Ruby online for free. The author, Mattan Griffel is the founder of One Month, a startup that promises to teach you a new technology in one month.

In this One Month Rails course, you will learn how to code your own web application using the most powerful and user-friendly web development framework, Ruby on Rails.

The course not only teaches you how to use Ruby on Rails but also shows you how to style your web application using Bootstrap and how to deploy it and go online with Heroku.

Here is the link to sign up this course for FREE Build Web Apps With One Month Rails

best free Udemy course to learn Ruby Programming language

In this course, the author also shows you how to build a Ruby web application like Twitter where you can add tweets and upload images. In short, one of the best free online courses to learn Ruby on Rails in one month.

4. Learn Rails: Quickly Code, Style, and Launch 4 Web Apps

This one is another free course from Udemy to quickly learn Ruby on Rails. This course will provide you with enough Ruby on Rails knowledge to go from beginner to intermediate level.

The course will quickly teach you how to create web apps using Rails by making 4 projects: a personal blog, a user messaging app, a TODO list, and a Wikipedia clone.

Here is the link to sign up this course for FREE Learn Rails: Quickly Code, Style, and Launch 4 Web Apps

best course to learn Ruby for FREE

The course not only teaches you Ruby and Rails but also other tools you need for web development like Git, Heroku, Bootstrap, Active Admin, MVC architecture, etc.

The course is also an end-to-end course which means you will learn Ruby from installation to deployment. After completing this course, you should be able to create your own web application with CRUD(Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality.

5. Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB

This is another free course from Coursera to learn Ruby on Rails. In this course, you will learn how to create web services using Rails and MongoDB as backend.

The course provides in-depth knowledge from installation to CRUD operations, aggregation, indexing, GridFS, and various other topics where we continuously integrate MongoDB with Ruby on Rails.

The course also covers Web Services with emphasis on REST, its architectural style, and the integration of Web Services with Rails. Core concepts of Web Services like request/response, filters, data representation (XML/JSON), web linking, and best practices are also covered in depth.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB

best Coursera free course to learn Ruby Programming language

Like other Coursera Courses and Certifications, this is also free-to-audit, which means you can access this course for free but you need to pay if you need certificates to show in your LinkedIn profile.

6. Ruby on Rails a Beginners Guide

This is another free Ruby on Rails course from Udemy which exclusively focuses on beginners and new developers. The course starts with teaching you how a web application works and what are some essential parts of a web application like the front end, backend, database, etc.

It also explains essential tools like Git Version Control like how to link your IDE with GitHub, how to update your IDE with SSH Access and how to download Ruby projects from GitHub.

When it comes to styling your web application, it teaches you how you can do that using Gems and Bootstrap. It also shows you resources on where to find cool Bootstrap layouts that you can simply drop into your application.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for FREE — Ruby on Rails a Beginners Guide

best free Udemy course to learn Ruby

That’s all about some of the free courses to learn Ruby Programming language and Ruby on Rails web development frameworks. Ruby on Rails is one of the simplest yet most powerful frameworks for developing web applications and many popular websites like Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon, and Yellowpages are built using it.

If you have a passion for web development or you just want to give your resume a little bit book, learning Ruby and Rails will help you a long way.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free Ruby and Rails courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you can spend a few bucks and don’t mind learning from paid resources then you can also check out The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course by Rob Percival on Udemy.

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