6 Best Hibernate and JPA Online Courses for Java developers in 2024

Hibernate is a key skill for Java developers and these are the best courses to learn Hibernate online.

10 min readMay 31, 2020


5 Best Hibernate and JPA Online Courses for Java developers

Hello guys, if you want to learn Hibernate in 2024 and looking for the best Hibernate and JPA online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Spring Framework courses and best Hibernate and JPA books, and today, I am going to share the best Hibernate online courses to join in 2024.

Hibernate is one of the essential frameworks for Java and Java EE or JEE programmers, especially if you are working on the server-side of a Java web development project.

It’s an ORM tool or a framework that allows you to deal with only objects while Hibernate takes care of your data on your behalf. For example, instead of writing classes with SQL to load, save, and update data using the DAO design pattern, you can simply use the Hibernate framework in your project.

It will allow you to deal with just objects while it will load, save, and update data in the background. Instead of you loading and saving data to/from the database and then populating objects, Hibernate just give you a readymade object and also takes care of updating data when the state of object changes.

This is just one benefit of using Hibernate, another one is that it provides inbuilt caching. Hibernate maintains a couple of caches like the first level, second-level, and query cache, which can hold frequently used data to improve the performance of your Java application.

You don’t need to worry about data getting scale or cache growing bigger and bigger, Hibernate can manage both Cache eviction and how to keep it up-to-date. If you only use Hibernate to touch your data then it will always be up-to-date.

The use of Hibernate also makes your application more portable, for example, if tomorrow, your company decides to switch to Oracle from Microsoft SQL Server, or MySQL to PostgreSQL, you don’t need to re-write any SQL query. All you need to do is change the SQL dialect in the Hibernate configuration file and you are done.

Had you have opted for writing Data Access Object and SQL, you would have to re-write most of your SQL to port your application from one database to another.

I had this experience in the past, where we moved from Oracle to SQL Server and had to spend considerable time re-writing stuff that I didn’t want. Btw, if you have to do the same move, see here to learn about how I ported some of the SQL queries from Oracle to the SQL server.

On a similar note, you don’t need to tightly couple your code to Hibernate, you can use JPA (Java Persistence API), a standard API for the persistence layer of Java application. Hibernate is just one implementation of JPA and if your company switches to another implementation like MyBatis and TopLink then you can easily switch to that if you use JPA APIs.

Top 6 Hibernate and JPA Online Courses for Java Developers to Learn in 2024

I have been sharing some useful resources for Java developers and this is the second article in the series of learning essential frameworks for Java developers.

In the past, I have shared online courses to learn the Spring framework and today I’ll share some of the useful Hibernate and JPA courses for Java developers. You can take these training courses from the comfort of your home and office to learn these important technologies at your own pace.

Given the importance of Hibernate and JPA, it’s useful for Java developers to learn these APIs and frameworks. It will not only make your Resume more attractive but also makes you eligible for several jobs that look for Java developers with Spring and Hibernate experience.

1. Java Persistence: Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals

If you are a Java programmer who wants to learn the Hibernate and JPA fundamentals and some of the advanced topics of Java Persistence with Hibernate, then this is the right course for you.

In this course, you will learn Hibernate 4.3.5. Final (and applicable updates for Hibernate 5.0), and learn how to use Hibernate as a JPA provider.

You’ll also be learning the fundamentals and some of the advanced JPA features for object/relational mapping, querying, caching performance, and concurrency.

Here is the link to join this course — Java Persistence: Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals

best course to learn Hibernate online

6. High-Performance Java Persistence and Hibernate [Advanced]

If you already know Hibernate and JPA and looking for an advanced course to take your knowledge of Hibernate and JPA to next level then I suggest checking out High-Performance Java Persistence and Hibernate by @Vlad Mihalcea

Vlad is a Java Champion and one of the top Hibernate ORM project committers to understand the inner working of databases and frameworks to improve the performance of enterprise applications.

Here are the things you’ll learn in this course:

  • Logging, Testing, Schema Management best practices
  • Data modeling (types, identifiers, entity mappings, inheritance)
  • Batch processing (Persistence Context Management, batch updates, bulk updates)
  • Fetching best practices
  • Transactions and concurrency control
  • Caching best practices

In the end, you will learn about more advanced features like caching and interceptors, which are important for experienced Java developers. I highly recommend this advanced Hibernate course to experienced Java developers.

I have also secured a 10% discount for High-Performance Java persistence with Hibernate courses for my readers, use JAVINPAULDISCOUNT to get 10% OFF. It’s already included in the link below, so you just need to join the courses with my link and you will get a discount.

Here is the link to join this course — High-Performance Java Persistence and Hibernate

best hibernate and JPA course for experienced Java developers
High-Performance Java Persistence and Hibernate by Vlad Mihalcea

Vlad also regularly conducts a live online workshop to teach you Hibernate in depth. You can check the schedule of the next High-Performance Java Persistence training here.

This online workshop is meant to mind the gap between Java developers and database programming and the cost of this training is $750 per ticket. If you want to join this training use my coupon JAVINPAULDISCOUNT to get 10% OFF (embedded in link below)

This is a premium Hibernate training from an expert Hibernate trainer and Java champion, and it runs for 4 sessions, each containing 4 hours, the cost is totally worth it as you won’t find the tricks Vlad is going to share in this course and you will get chance to learn from a Java champion.

This training includes unlimited access to the High-Performance Java Persistence book and Mach 3 video course. The video course access will be granted after the training is over via a 100% discount coupon.

3. Hibernate and Java Persistence API (JPA) Fundamentals

This one is another great course to learn the basics of Hibernate and JPA. This online training course will teach you object-relational mapping and Hibernate basics.

After that, you will learn about basic mapping annotations, mapping composite and collection types, and entity associations. This video tutorial also covers Hibernate API, JPA API, advanced mapping and configurations, and criteria API.

The course will also cover the Hibernate query language and Java Persistence query language, which allows you to specify SQL in a database vendor-independent way.

Here is the link to join this course — Hibernate and Java Persistence API (JPA) Fundamentals

best Hibernate coures on Udemy

4. Master Hibernate and JPA with Spring Boot in 100 Steps

This is one of the hands-on courses to learn the fundamentals of Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate framework using Spring and Spring Boot. You will learn the basics of JPA and Hibernate — Entities, Relationships, Inheritance Mappings, and Annotations.

It also covers JPA and Hibernates Relationships in-depth — One to One, Many to One, and Many to Many and different approaches to querying data using JPA and Hibernate — JPQL, Criteria API, and Native Queries.

You will also learn about Caching and the basis of performance tuning your JPA application with Hibernate — Solve N+1 Queries Issues.

Here is the link to join this course —Master Hibernate and JPA with Spring Boot in 100 Steps

Best Spring Boot and Hibernate Course for Java developers

5. Hibernate Fundamentals: Hands-On Primer With Java EE and JPA

This is another good online Hibernate training course that provides a complete introduction to the Hibernate and concept of Object Relational Mapping (ORM).

You will also learn how to use Hibernate to write Java applications that connect to a relational database.

The course also explains essential JPA annotations that let you map classes to relational models. In short, you will learn how to install, configure and build Java programs within the Hibernate environment

Here is the link to join this course —Hibernate Fundamentals: Hands-On Primer With Java EE and JPA

Best Spring Boot and Hibernate Course on Pluralsight

6. Java Persistence API 2.2 by Antonio Goncalves

Sometimes for beginners, learning Java Persistence API can be difficult because it’s an extensive framework, and there are many important concepts to understand to use it effectively in a real-world project.

This Pluralsight JPA course is designed to make getting started with Java Persistence API (JPA) as easy as possible and focus on the most important things you need to know first. In this course, you will learn the principle of object-relational mapping (ORM) and use Java Persistence API (JPA) to map your Java objects into relational databases.

The course starts with the basic introduction of JPA 2.2 and how it works and then goes on to explain how to manage elementary entities with Hibernate. After that you will learn about CRUD operations using JPA, mapping simple objects or entries into database columns, querying objects, and more advanced features like Entity lifecycles, Callbacks, and Listeners.

Here is the link to join this course — Java Persistence API 2.2 by Antonio Goncalves

Best Java Persistence Course on Pluralsight

It not only covers basic one-to-one mappings but also includes some of the complex mapping situations like mapping collections and different relational mappings like one-to-many and many-to-one.

In the end, you will learn about more advanced features and how to work with JPA 2.2 within Java EE, which is essential for experienced Java developers.

Btw, you would need a Pluralsight membership to get access to this course, which costs around $29 per month or $299 annually (14% discount).

If you don’t have Pluralsight membership, I encourage you to get one because it allows you to access their 5000+ online courses on all the latest topics like front-end and back-end development, machine learning, etc. It also includes interactive quizzes, exercises, and the latest certification material.

It’s more like Netflix for Software Developers and Since learning is an important part of our job, Pluralsight membership is a great way to stay ahead of your competition.

They also provide a 10-day free trial without any commitment, which is a great way to not just access this course for free but also to check the quality of courses before joining Pluralsight.

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn Hibernate and JPA online. Java and JEE developers can take these courses to master these two persistence technologies for Java applications.

Having Hibernate and JPA in your resume will make you eligible for many Java Web Developer roles where the company looks for Spring and Hibernate experience.

By the way, If you haven’t learned the Spring framework yet, you may want to check out the following list of courses to learn Spring after Hibernate:

5 Free Spring Framework Courses for Java Developers
5 Online Courses to learn Core Java for Free
5 Online training courses to learn Angular for Free
5 Node JS courses for Java and Web Developers
5 Courses to Learn Big Data and Apache Spark
2 Best books to learn Hibernate for Java developers
5 Free Courses to learn Spring and Spring Boot
5 Free Courses to learn Spring Security for Java developers
5 Books and Courses to learn RESTful Web Services
5 Courses to learn Spring Cloud and Microservices
10 Frameworks Full stack Java developers can learn
10 Advance Spring Boot Courses for Java developers

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like Hibernate and found these courses useful then please share on Facebook and social network with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are looking for a course to learn both Spring and Hibernate together with Spring Boot 2 then you can also check out Spring and Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot) course by Chad Darby on Udemy to start with. It’s a good course and very affordable you can buy for just $9.9 on Udemy sales.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com