60 Tree Data Structure Coding Interview Questions for Experienced Developers

Practice these Tree Based Interview questions to learn Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Balanced Tree, AVL Tree and Red Black Tree better for interviews



60 Tree Data Structure Coding Interview Questions Every Programmer Should Solve

Tree data structure is one of the most fundamental data structure along with array and linked list in computer programming. What makes Tree unique is its ability to represent hierarchical data.

For example, you can use Tree data structure to model Employee and Manager relationship as well family tree. This is not possible with array and linked list because they are linear data structure. That’s why Tree data structure is quite popular on coding interviews.

Another reasons why interviewer ask Tree based questions on coding interviews like tree traversal algorithms (pre order, post order, and in-order) is they are generally tougher to solve compared to array and linked list based problem and many candidate struggle to solve tree based coding questions.

One of the important reason for this structure is lack of practice, while array and linked list is quite popular and everybody practice array based coding problems like reverse an array or find duplicate an array and with linked list like…




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