Top 8 YouTube Channels for System Design Interview Preparation

These are the best YouTube channels you can subscribe to prepare for System Design Interviews

5 min readMar 14, 2024


image_credit — designguru

Hello guys, System Design Interview is a critical part of technical job interviews, especially for roles in software engineering and system architecture. That’s why Mastering system design concepts is essential for success in these interviews.

In the past, I have shared best System Design Interview Courses, Books, Websites, Guide, and even Software Design questions and today to aid your preparation, here are five YouTube channels that offer valuable insights and tutorials on system design.

Why YouTube Channels? Well because they are free and allows you to learn anywhere, but not all the YouTube channel is good and even though they are free you will waste a lot of your time watching meaningless videos and wasting your time, which is as precious as your money.

That’s why I have curated this list of best YouTube channels you can watch to prepare for SYstem Design interviews and in general learn about key Software design concepts like scalability, high availability, failover, sharding, replication etc.

8 Best YouTube channels for System Design interviews

So what are we waiting for, here is a list of best YouTube channels for SYstem design interview preparation.

1. ByteByByteGo

When I think about System design the first name comes to my mind is ByteByteGo. This is one of the most recommended resource for System design interviews.

Created by Alex Xu, author of System Design Interview — An insider’s guide Volume 1 and System Design Interview — An Insider’s Guide: Volume 2, this site is a digital version of the books and you can get content of both the book in this website.

Though a lot of people know about this site, not many people know that ByteByeGo Also have a YouTube channel with more than 700K subscribers.

led by Sham LAm, this chanel, provides insightful videos on coding interviews and system design. The channel’s approach is methodical, breaking down complex problems and offering practical advice for tackling interviews.

They have a lot of nice video like how to prepare for System design interview, why Kafka is fast and much more, If you are preparing for SYstem design interview, along with his System design interview books and ByteByteGo courses, I highly recommend you to watch their YouTube Channel.

And, this one is also one of the gem, I loved:

2. Exponent

This is another YouTube channel which i regularly watch because of its awesome content for cracking FAANG interviews as well as System Design interviews.

Created by tryExponent, another interview prep and mock interview platform for aspiring FAANG engineers, this channel also have solution of popular SYstem design questions like How to design a parking Garage which was asked on Amazon interviews.

Along with their System Design Interview Course which contains 36 lessons and videos with real interview examples, their YouTube channel is a must know resource for any Software developer preparing for technical interviews.

3. codeKarle

This channel is created by Sandeep Kaul, an ex Facebook engineer and also a popular Udemy instructor. Having taken his course on System Design I knew that his YouTube Chanel is also a great resource for anyone who is looking for free System design resources and wasn’t wrong.

He offers a mix of programming and system design tutorials. The content is beginner-friendly and covers fundamental concepts, making it a great starting point for those new to system design interviews.

Here is a nice video from Sandeep about great tips and tricks to do well on System Design interview and if you are serious about prep, you can also checkout this course on System Design by CodeKarle,.

4. DesignGuru

If you are preparing for SYstem design interview then you must have come across classic “Grokking the System Design interview” which is created by Arslan Ahmad of DesignGuru.

They also have a YouTube channel, albeit not big and don’t have much video proprably neglected a bit because they must be focusing on their course website, it still have a couple of videos to learn key System design concepts like difference between Read heavy and Write heavy Systems which I suggest every developer to watch.

By the way, if you are preparing for System design interview, then its no brainer to also checkout his classing Grokking the System Design interview” and Grokking the Advanced System Design Interview, both are essential resource to master System design.

And, if you like these Grokking interview courses from DesignGuru, you can get all of them for a big discount by purchasing their All course bundle. This bundle include their most popular Grokking courses like Grokking System Design Interview, OOP Design, Coding Patterns, as well Grokking Dynamic programming interview. You can also use code GURU to get 30% discount.

5. Tech Dummies Narendra L

This is another YouTube channel where you will find a lot of System design related videos.

Narendra L’s channel covers a range of technical topics, including system design and architecture. His clear and concise explanations make complex concepts more accessible, making it an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Here is one video which I highly recommend everybody to watch which is about designing a Cloud storage:

6. Gaurav Sen’s YouTube Chanel

This was one of the first YouTube channel I watched when I started learning about System Design and its probably have the most comprehensive content on System design you can get on YouTube along with ByteByteGo.

If you don’t know, Gaurav Sen, a former software engineer at Google, shares his insights on various technical topics, including system design. His engaging teaching style and real-world examples make the learning experience enjoyable and informative.

Here is one of his video about Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling topic which is worth watching.

7. System Design Interview Channel

As the name suggests, this channel specifically focuses on system design interview preparation. It offers in-depth explanations of various system design concepts and commonly asked questions during interviews.

Here is one of their video on System design interview questions which you should watch.

8. Bonus Mention: Success in Tech

Success in Tech covers a broad range of topics related to tech careers, including system design interviews. The channel provides practical insights, interview tips, and career advice for those aspiring to excel in the tech industry.

Here is one of their video on high avaibility which is worth starting :


Preparing for a system design interview requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application. These YouTube channels offer valuable resources, tutorials, and real-world examples to help you grasp complex system design concepts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional looking to brush up on your skills, these channels can be instrumental in your journey towards success in system design interviews.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and