Top Blockchain Programming Languages: Choose the Perfect One for Your Business

Emma Jhonson
Published in
6 min readJul 1, 2022

Blockchain, the revolutionary technology behind cryptocurrency, is changing the face of many industries in today’s fast-paced world.

No matter what your industry/business niche may be, Blockchain can be helpful to you and your company — and it’s easier than you might think.

Also, according to a report, the worldwide blockchain technology market size was valued at $5.92 billion in 2021 and estimated to reach $1,431.54 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 85.9% during the forecast period.

However, selecting the right one can be tough with many different Blockchain development languages.

To help you make the correct choice possible, we’ve researched and developed this list of top Blockchain development languages to help you easily create your blockchain network.

So, let’s take a look!

Find Out The Best Blockchain Programming Languages

1. Java

Java is one of the most popular blockchain development languages. It’s a widely used language and has been around for over two decades. Plus, it’s object-oriented like Solidity, making it easy to develop smart contracts.

One advantage of using Java is that it can run on multiple platforms with the same codebase. So, if you want your smart contract to be compatible with different blockchains, this might be the correct language for you.

Another benefit is that there’s already a large community of Java developers. This means it’ll likely be easier for you to find talent than some newer blockchain development languages.

Key Features:

  • Java is platform-independent.
  • It has a large community of developers
  • It has automatic memory management.
  • It provides better security than other languages.
  • Java offers high performance.

Some Examples of blockchain project that use Java:

2. Python

Python is a versatile scripting language that has been around for over two decades. It’s one of the most popular languages, with millions of developers using it to create all sorts of applications.

In recent years, Python has gained popularity for blockchain development. Many businesses are now choosing this language because it’s easy to learn and use. Python is also suitable for developing complex dApps.

Python is typically a high-level language, which means it offers abstraction from the underlying hardware. This can benefit blockchain development as it can help reduce errors and improve performance.

Python also offers many features, such as an extensive standard library, object-oriented programming, and exception handling. These features can be beneficial for developing complex dApps.

Key Features:

  • Python is easy to learn and use scripting language.
  • It’s suitable for developing complex dApps.
  • It gives many features, such as an extensive standard library, object-oriented programming, and exception handling.

Some Examples of blockchain project that use Python:

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • NEO
  • Steemit

3. Solidity

Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. It was developed by the team at Ethereum and is currently the most popular language for writing Ethereum smart contracts.

Solidity is a syntax similar to JavaScript, and it is designed to target EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine). Enterprises can use Solidity to create tokens, voting systems, crowdfunding platforms, and more.

However, Solidity is not without its flaws. One major downside is that it is a new language and has a relatively small developer community. Additionally, Solidity is susceptible to security vulnerabilities, such as the recent DAO hack.

Key Features:

  • Develops smart contracts for Ethereum.
  • Similar syntax to JavaScript.
  • Target EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine).
  • Used by enterprises for creating tokens, voting systems, and crowdfunding platforms.

Some Examples of blockchain project that use Solidity:

  • Chainlink
  • Sushiswap
  • Compound Protocol

4. C++

C++ is another popular blockchain development language. It’s known for its speed and efficiency. So, if you want your blockchain application to be fast and scalable, C++ might be a good choice.

In recent years, C++ has gained popularity for blockchain development. Many businesses are now choosing this language because it’s suitable for developing smart contracts and other decentralized applications (dApps).

C++ is also used by major companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. So, this could be the correct language for you if you want to build enterprise-level applications.

C++ is significantly a low-level language, which gives developers more control over memory management. This can benefit blockchain development as it can help reduce errors and improve performance.

C++ also offers many features, such as a standard template library, object-oriented programming, and exception handling. These features can be beneficial for developing complex dApps.

Key Features:

  • C++ is a fast and powerful programming language.
  • It’s suitable for developing smart contracts and other decentralized applications (dApps).
  • It offers many features, such as a standard template library, object-oriented programming, and exception handling.

Some Examples of blockchain project that use C++:

  • EOS
  • Stellar
  • Litecoin

5. Golang

Golang is a new programming language that Google created in 2009. It’s a statically-typed, compiled language that has recently gained popularity.

Golang is suitable for blockchain development because it offers a wide range of features, such as concurrent programming, garbage collection, and memory safety. Golang is also faster than other languages, which can be beneficial for developing complex dApps.

Moreover, Golang is a low-level language, which gives developers more control over memory management. This can benefit blockchain development as it can help reduce errors and improve performance.

You can also contact top blockchain development company to develop blockchain projects successfully.

Key Features:

  • It is user-friendly.
  • Golang is more scalable, flexible, and offers high speed.
  • Golang combines C++, Java, and Python features to make a reliable and fun language to use for efficient blockchain development.

Some Examples of blockchain project that use Golang:

  • GoChain
  • Dero
  • Loom Network

6. Vyper

Vyper is a new programming language that was created by the team behind Ethereum. It’s a Python-like language that is designed to be simple and easy to understand.

Vyper is suitable for blockchain development because it offers a wide range of features, such as formal verification, which can help reduce errors and improve security. Moreover, Vyper is a fast and efficient language that can be beneficial for developing complex dApps.

You should consider using Vyper if you’re looking to develop smart contracts or other decentralized applications. However, keep in mind that Vyper is still a new language, and it doesn’t have as much support as other languages.

Key Features:

  • Vyper is a simple and easy-to-understand programming language.
  • It offers a wide range of features, such as formal verification, which can help reduce errors and improve security.
  • It’s a fast and efficient language that can be beneficial for developing complex dApps

Some Examples of blockchain project that use Vyper:

  • EtherDelta
  • Augur
  • MakerDAO

Summing Up!

Each of these blockchain programming languages has its own unique benefits and features that make it suitable for blockchain development. If you’re looking to develop smart contracts or other decentralized applications, you should consider using one of these languages.

However, it’s important to choose a language that is suitable for your needs. You can consider the key features of each language and decide which one would be the best fit for your project.

If you are still unsure about which language to use, we recommend you hire Blockchain developers or consult with a Blockchain expert.



Emma Jhonson

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at