Top Performance issues every developer/architect must know — part 1-Database


Hello everyone. This is one of the interesting articles I am writing as it talks about the performance issue in an application. This will help everyone to understand where are those issues happening and how to fix them if they come across.

Let me classify the issues into different segments as follows

  • Database problems
  • Memory problems
  • Concurrency problems

Let me talk about database-related performance problems in this article

1. Database

Let us look at the database problems as they are the most critical ones. These are the common issues that occur at the DB level which hampers the latency of the application. They are as follows

a. The database N+1 Problem

A very common problem in DB is the “N+1” problem. The N+1 query problem is said to occur when an ORM, like hibernate, executes 1 query to retrieve the parent entity and N queries to retrieve the child entities. As the number of entities in the database increases, the queries being executed separately can easily affect the performance of the application



Dineshchandgr - A Top writer in Technology

Principal Software Engineer and Technical Lead focussed on Backend Engineering who likes to upgrade the tech skills and share knowledge to the community