Top React Native Debugging Tools and How To Use Them?

Trying to test the app on a real device? Try these top React Native debugging tools including: React Native Debugger, Zipy, Metro Bundler, Expo, Flipper, Visual Studio Code, and more.

Sophia Martin
9 min readJun 2, 2024


Many of you are wondering with the fact that why we have been looking for the top React Native app debugging tools when React Native itself offers a Hot Reloading feature where you can easily fix the errors in the live app.

Well, any developer can understand the importance of debugging tools and how they can transform your app performance. But being a business owner, if you keep rushing to launch an app and skip the testing step, then your app is in Danger!

Here are the top 3 reasons why you need to adopt the best debugging tools for React Native app testing:

  • Having a million-dollar app idea and designing an app with a fancy UI/UX isn’t enough because 25% of people abandon an app after only one use because of excess storage.
  • Did you know that out of 10 apps, 9 are abandoned due to coding errors or bugs?
  • 15.6% of Users can judge the app’s UI/UX in 3–4 seconds and uninstall the app even before using it.
  • Users never come back to the app that they once uninstalled due to performance.

Hopefully, these stats are clearly stating that how app testing is important and its impact on app performance.

This is where debugging comes into the roles enabling you to test every every line of the coding.

Introducing to Debugging the App

Debugging refers to the process of finding and fixing the bugs or errors in the software application. For debugging, there are several testing tools and methods available in the market, that enable you to overcome the inevitable bugs in your app grows. The debugging tools run further in your application in the controlled environment and check every line of coding.

These debugging tools not only help check the codes step by step but also enable you to fix it on real devices. So which are the top choices of React Native Debugging tools that debug your business app and ensure excellent performance?

Top React Native Debugging Tools for App Testing on Real Devices

1. React Native Debugger

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React Native Debugger is an invaluable tool that can transform the app debugging experience of React Native developers. It combines the Chrome Developer Tools with the React and Redux debuggers and provides excellent debugging capabilities for your business project. This type of debugging tool is ideal for desktop applications available for MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

Features of React Native Debugger

  • Allows developers to inspect and navigate through React component hierarchies effortlessly.
  • Its Redux DevTools facilitates debugging of Redux state and actions. It makes state management more transparent and manageable for developers.
  • It has a “Network Inspector” that enables you to monitor network requests and responses. Using this Network Inspector, developers can identify and resolve issues related to API calls.
  • Using the Console Logs, developers can track and fix the issues coming in displays logs and errors, enabling developers to track and fix issues effectively.

Pricing Model: Though it is free to use, the premium version of the debugging tool comes up with an extensive feature set and simplifies the debugging process.

2. Expo

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Expo is one of the most maintained and user-friendly React Native debugging tools offering an extensive set of tools that make it incredibly simple for developers to set and manage the React Native app testing process. It already provides a robust environment for development, testing, deployment, and app deployment.

Features of using Expo:

  • The Expo Go allows developers to run and test applications directly on your device and provides a real-time preview of your app.
  • It offers advanced levels of development tools that may include powerful debugging, hot reloading, and error-logging capabilities to streamline the development process.
  • It allows developers to build apps seamlessly and deploy apps with no complexity.
  • Using the Expo SDK, developers can use a rich set of pre-built components and APIs that ultimately accelerate development and ensure consistency across projects.

Pricing Model: The basic version of Expo comes for free but paid plans are available for advanced features and additional services.

3. React DevTools

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React DevTools is considered one of the most trusted debugging extensions for testing React Native apps. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for inspecting and debugging the React component tree, props, state, and hooks.

It enhances the ability to understand and optimize component structures within your applications. So no matter what type of business app you are trying to test, React DevTool can help you debug every line of the app source code.

Features of using React DevTools:

  • Using its Component Inspector developers can view and inspect the hierarchy of components making it easier to navigate through your application.
  • Get a clear understanding of data flow within the component using the Props and State. It enables you to inspect and modify props and states without any hassle.
  • Inspects hook state to get all the insights into the internal workings of functional components.
  • Performance Profiling helps in rendering the performance of components by easily identifying bottlenecks and optimizing application performance.

Pricing Model: Developers can access the basic version for free. However, with its comprehensive feature set and flexibility for customization through plugins, Flipper can be an excellent choice for app development. All you need is to look for the top mobile app development company in Dallas as they help you streamline their debugging process and enhance their app’s performance.

4. Visual Studio Code

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Visual Studio Code is a widely used code editor tool for React Native app testing. It is renowned for its robust support for React Native development. Developers can simply their app debugging journey by using Visual Studio Code tools as it provides an array of extensions that enhance debugging, linting, and running React Native applications seamlessly within the editor.

Features of using Visual Studio Code:

  • Its built-in debugging capabilities allow developers to fix errors in React Native apps directly in the editor.
  • IntelliSense ensures smart code completions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules, which overall enhances coding efficiency.
  • It has Linting, allowing testing integrated code quality and checking for errors.
  • A rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions that add additional functionality, catering to a wide range of development needs.

Pricing Model: The basic version is free to use but the VS Code’s comprehensive feature set, combined with its ease of use and extensive community support, makes it an indispensable tool for React Native developers aiming for a streamlined and efficient development workflow.

5. Flipper

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Flipper is considered one of the best debugging tools for React Native app testing on real devices. Through an easy-to-use desktop interface, this tool enables developers to debug iOS, Android, and React Native Apps with ease.

It offers a wide range of tools for analyzing, monitoring, and managing the app’s behavior. Further developers can use its plugin APIS for more customization and customization.

Features of using Flipper:

  • Its Layout Inspector allows you to inspect the app’s UI components offers a better understanding of issues and enables you to debug the layout of your app.
  • With Network Monitor, developers can track and debug network requests. It provides insights into the app’s network activity and potential issues.
  • Its log viewer enables viewing and filtering of log messages, simplifying the process of tracking down bugs and errors.
  • Supports custom plugins, offering the flexibility to extend its functionality based on specific debugging needs.

Pricing Model: Developers can access the basic version for free. However, with its comprehensive feature set and flexibility for customization through plugins, Flipper can be an excellent choice for React Native developers looking to streamline their debugging process and enhance their app’s performance.

6. BugSnag

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It is one of the most powerful and user-friendly code debugging tools, specially designed to assist developers in detecting and fixing coding errors in React Native Applications. Furthermore, it provides comprehensive error reports along with actionable insights to improve app stability and enhance user experience.

Features of using BugSnag:

  • Using this tool, developers can detect errors in real time and enable them to fix the bugs immediately as they come to notice.
  • Evaluates the impact of errors on users, helping prioritize fixing bugs based on their significance.
  • It helps in diagnosing the codes in detail as it delivers detailed error reports with contextual information, including stack traces, device data, and user actions leading up to the error.
  • The best part about BugSnag is it will be easily integrated with various tools and services, such as Slack, JIRA, and GitHub, facilitating seamless collaboration and workflow integration.

Price Model: Free is for basic use but for debugging enterprise-grade business apps, it is always recommended to opt for paid plans available with advanced features and ensuring higher usage needs.

7. Sentry

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Sentry serves as a primary tool for debugging React Native apps as it provides advanced error-tracking tools that have been specially designed to help developers monitor and prevent app crashes in real-time.

It provides detailed error reports with valuable app error insights specifically for React Native applications. Using these reports, developers can easily enhance the overall app reliability and user experience.

Features of using Sentry Debugging Tool:

  • Using the real-time error-tracking capabilities of Sentry, developers can monitor the errors and able to fix them in real-time to avoid app crashes. This feature of Sentry allows for swift error detection and resolution.
  • Sentry helps in generating detailed error reports that include stack traces, logs, and breadcrumbs, to help diagnose and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  • Tracks app performance metrics, identifying bottlenecks and areas for optimization.
  • Seamlessly integrates with various tools and platforms, such as Slack, GitHub, and JIRA, to streamline the development workflow.

Price Model: Free for basic use but when it comes to diagnosing the errors in complex React Ntaive Apps, it is worth looking for the paid plans available with advanced features and higher usage requirements. Sentry’s real-time monitoring and detailed error reporting make it an essential tool for React Native developers aiming to ensure their applications run smoothly and efficiently.

All these are brilliant choices of debugging tools for React Native Applications, but which would have been the best fit for your next app? Here we are sharing a few tips and suggestions that help you make the best choice…

Tips and Suggestions for Choosing the Right Debugging Tool for React Native App Testing

Choosing the right React Native Debugging Tool is one such major hurdle that developers are usually chasing. With the right one, developers can foster the development process and able to deliver high-quality apps. So here are a few tips and suggestions to help you select the right debugging tool for React Native Apps.

  • Features and Functionalities: Look for a debugging tool that offers comprehensive support for component inspection, state management debugging, network request monitoring, and performance profiling to address specific debugging needs.
  • Easy to Use: Prioritize the debugging tool that helps minimize the coding lines instead of adding more burden to it. The tool should be easy to use and capable of integrating with various platforms. It would be great to choose the one that comes with clear documentation.
  • Compatibility and Platform Support: Ensure that the tool you have been selecting, must be compatible with your operating system and development environments and React Native app versions. Look for tools that support multiple platforms including MacOS, Windows, and Linux.


Debugging your app is one of the crucial steps involved in an app development process that you can’t afford to skip. As the React Native framework continues to evolve, the demand for debugging tools will only increase. Efficient React Native app debugging tools help developers streamline the workflows, enhance testing productivity, and provide better versions of the apps.

The above-listed debugging tools are the primary source of bug monitoring and fixing errors in real-time. Still, this requires you to look for a top mobile app development company in California. They will choose the right debugging tool and be able to gauge and sort out the problem quickly and seamlessly.

They foster a development process and ensure a high-quality application. If you still have queries and doubts, then comment below or contact us for simplified mobile app testing solutions.



Sophia Martin

Sr. Business Analyst & Tech Writer— | Write on Trending Technologies | Sr. IT Consultant. 14+ Years of Exp. | LinkedIn: