Understanding Spring Core: The Foundation of Spring Framework

Nikita Chaurasia
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2024

In the world of Java development, the Spring Framework is a popular and powerful tool that helps manage the lifecycle of application components. At the heart of the Spring Framework lies the Spring Core Module, which is essential for all other modules in Spring. In this blog post, we will explore what makes the Spring Core Module so important, what Spring containers are, and how they manage Spring beans. We’ll also discuss dependency management in Spring, using straightforward examples to make these concepts clear.

What is the Spring Core Module?

The Spring Core Module provides the fundamental features needed to build any Spring application. It includes two lightweight containers, also known as Spring containers or Inversion of Control (IoC) containers:
1. BeanFactory Container (Basic container)
ApplicationContext Container (Advanced container, an extension of BeanFactory)

Understanding Containers in Spring

Containers are software programs that manage the lifecycle of resources, from creation to destruction. In the context of Spring, containers manage the lifecycle of Spring beans. Examples of other containers include:
- Servlet Container: Manages the lifecycle of servlet components.
- JSP Container: Manages the lifecycle of JSP components.
- EJB Container: Manages the lifecycle of Enterprise JavaBeans.

Spring Container: Manages the lifecycle of Spring beans, which includes:
- BeanFactory: A basic container.
- ApplicationContext: An advanced container with more features.

What is a Spring Bean?

A Spring bean is any Java class whose object is created and managed by a Spring container. Once a Java class is designated as a Spring bean, the container takes over the following operations:
- Loading the class.
- Creating an object of the class.
- Managing the object.
- Destroying the object when no longer needed.

In a Spring application, beans represent the core logic, such as business logic or persistence logic.

JavaBeans vs. Spring Beans

- JavaBean: A Java class that follows certain conventions, used as a helper class to encapsulate multiple values into a single object.
- Spring Bean: A Java class managed by the Spring container, often containing the main logic of the application.

While a JavaBean can be used as a Spring bean, it’s not always recommended. However, any reusable class or file can be considered a component, such as servlet components or JSP components.

The Role of Spring Containers

Spring containers perform two crucial operations on Spring beans:
1.Lifecycle Management: Handling the creation, management, and destruction of beans.
2.Dependency Management: Arranging dependent beans for the main bean.

For example, in a real project, the main classes (Spring beans) contain business logic, while JavaBeans pass multiple values between these main classes.

Why are Spring Containers Called IoC Containers?

In Spring applications, all operations are handled by the Spring container, which takes control away from the programmer — a concept known as Inversion of Control (IoC). The container is responsible for everything, from managing the lifecycle to injecting dependencies, hence the name IoC container.

Dependency Management in Spring

Dependency Management in Spring can be achieved in two ways:

1.Dependency Lookup: The target class searches and retrieves dependent classes manually. This method can be time-consuming as the target class must write logic to find dependent objects.

2.Dependency Injection (DI): The container automatically injects the dependent class object into the target class. This is more efficient and improves productivity since the container dynamically performs this task.

Types of Dependency Injection in Spring:

- Setter Injection
- Constructor Injection
- Field Injection
- Arbitrary Method Injection
- Aware Injection (Interface Injection)
- Lookup Method Injection
- Method Injection/Method Replacer

Practical Examples of Dependency Injection:

- A student enrolling in a Java course automatically receives course materials.
- A servlet container injecting a `ServletConfig` object into a servlet.
- The JVM assigning default values to an object’s properties upon creation.

Using proper configuration (either XML files or annotations), we can instruct the Spring IoC container to inject only the necessary dependencies, making development faster and more efficient.


The Spring Core Module is the backbone of the Spring Framework, providing essential features for managing the lifecycle and dependencies of beans. By leveraging the power of IoC containers and various dependency injection techniques, developers can create robust, maintainable, and efficient applications. Whether you’re working on a standalone application or a web application, understanding these core concepts is key to harnessing the full potential of the Spring Framework.

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