Understanding Type Erasure in Java Generics

Piyu Jain
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2023

Generics is a powerful feature introduced in Java 5 that allows developers to write type-safe code, which can be reused with different data types. Generics allow the creation of classes, interfaces, and methods that can work with different types of data without the need for casting, thus making the code more robust, modular, and efficient.

One of the most important aspects of Generics is the concept of type erasure. Type erasure is a mechanism used by the Java compiler to ensure that Generics code is compatible with pre-existing code that does not use Generics. In this article, we will explore the concept of type erasure in detail.

What is type erasure?

Type erasure is the process of replacing the generic type parameters in a generic class or method with their bounding types or the Object type. This process occurs during the compilation of Generics code, resulting in the removal of all type information related to Generics at runtime. In simple terms, type erasure ensures that the bytecode generated by the compiler is compatible with pre-existing code that does not use Generics.

For example, consider the following generic class:

public class MyGenericClass<T> {
private T obj;

public MyGenericClass(T obj) {
this.obj = obj;

public T getObj() {
return obj;

public void setObj(T obj) {
this.obj = obj;

In the above example, the generic type parameter T is used to represent a placeholder for a data type that will be used at the time of object creation. However, during the compilation process, the generic type parameter T will be replaced with the Object type, resulting in the following bytecode:

public class MyGenericClass {
private Object obj;

public MyGenericClass(Object obj) {
this.obj = obj;

public Object getObj() {
return obj;

public void setObj(Object obj) {
this.obj = obj;

As you can see, the generic type parameter T has been replaced with the Object type. This process is called type erasure.

How does type erasure affect Generics code?

Type erasure has several implications for Generics code. The following are some of the key points to keep in mind:

  1. Type safety: The type erasure process ensures that Generics code is type-safe at runtime. The type information related to Generics is removed from the bytecode, which means that it is not possible to access the generic type information at runtime. This prevents type-related errors at runtime.
  2. Performance: Type erasure improves the performance of Generics code. The removal of generic type information from the bytecode reduces the size of the generated bytecode, resulting in faster execution.
  3. Compatibility: Type erasure ensures that Generics code is compatible with pre-existing code that does not use Generics. Since the bytecode generated by the compiler is identical to the bytecode generated by pre-existing code, Generics code can be used in conjunction with legacy code without any issues.
  4. Limitations: Type erasure has some limitations. It is not possible to access the generic type information at runtime, which can make it difficult to perform certain operations, such as creating new instances of the generic type parameter, accessing the class of the generic type parameter, etc.


Type erasure is an important concept in Java Generics that allows Generics code to be compatible with pre-existing code that does not use Generics. The type erasure process ensures that Generics code is type-safe, efficient, and compatible with legacy code. While type erasure has some limitations, it remains an essential

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Piyu Jain

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