Unlocking Precision Metrics in Spring Boot with Micrometer: A Comprehensive Guide

Hiten Pratap Singh
Published in
6 min readNov 2, 2023

In the dynamic world of software development, measuring application performance is not just an option, it’s a necessity. With the advent of microservices and cloud-native architectures, monitoring these complex systems has become even more critical. This is where Micrometer steps in, offering itself as the “SLF4J” for application metrics.

Micrometer Application Observability

Understanding Micrometer

Micrometer is an application metrics facade that supports numerous monitoring systems. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for application metrics, allowing developers to gather insights from their applications without being tied down to any specific monitoring system.

Key Features:

  • Dimensionality: Micrometer’s dimensional metrics provide rich context, making it easier to understand what’s happening in your application.
  • Multiple Backends: Out-of-the-box support for popular monitoring systems like Prometheus, Datadog, InfluxDB, and more.
  • Rich Instrumentation: It provides a rich set of instrument types such as gauges, counters, timers, and distribution summaries.

Integrating Micrometer in Spring Boot

Spring Boot comes with Micrometer integration, making it a seamless experience to add metrics to your applications.


To start with, you need to include the Micrometer registry dependency of your choice in your pom.xml (if using Maven) or build.gradle (if using Gradle). Here’s how you would do it for Prometheus:




implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus:{micrometer-version}'

Replace {micrometer-version} with the appropriate version compatible with your Spring Boot version.


Most of the configuration is auto-configured by Spring Boot, but you can customize it through application.properties or application.yml. For example:


Creating and Using Metrics

Micrometer provides several types of meters you can use to measure different aspects of your application. Here are some common ones:


A counter is a simple incrementing and decrementing metric that represents a count.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

public class MyController {

private final Counter myCounter;

public MyController(MeterRegistry registry) {
myCounter = Counter.builder("my.counter")
.description("Counts something")
.tags("region", "us-east")

public void incrementCounter() {


Timers are used to measure the duration of events and the rate at which they occur.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

public class MyController {

private final Timer myTimer;

public MyController(MeterRegistry registry) {
myTimer = Timer.builder("my.timer")
.description("Times something")
.tags("region", "us-east")

public void timeSomething() {
myTimer.record(() -> {
// perform task to be timed


Gauges are used to measure a value at a specific point in time, such as the size of a collection or the amount of free memory.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Gauge;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class MyController {

private final AtomicInteger myGauge = new AtomicInteger();

public MyController(MeterRegistry registry) {
Gauge.builder("my.gauge", myGauge, AtomicInteger::get)
.description("Gauges something")
.tags("region", "us-east")

public void setGauge(@RequestParam int value) {

Customizing Metrics

You can customize metrics by adding tags, descriptions, and more. This provides more context and makes them more meaningful when analyzing the data.

.description("A custom counter")
.tags("env", "production")

Viewing and Analyzing Metrics

Once you have your metrics in place and your application is running, you can view and analyze them using the backend you’ve configured. For example, if you’re using Prometheus, you can visit the /actuator/prometheus endpoint to see your metrics in a format that Prometheus can scrape.

Advanced Micrometer: Custom Metrics and Actuator Integration

While the basics of Micrometer can get you started, diving deeper can unlock even more potential for understanding and optimizing your Spring Boot applications. Let’s explore some advanced topics like creating custom metrics and integrating with Spring Boot Actuator.

Custom Metrics

Sometimes, the out-of-the-box metrics do not fully capture the behavior or state of your application. In such cases, you can create custom metrics that are tailored to your specific needs.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.DistributionSummary;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;

public class MyController {

private final DistributionSummary summary;

public MyController(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.summary = DistributionSummary.builder("custom.distribution.summary")
.description("A custom distribution summary")
.tags("region", "us-west")

public void record(@RequestParam double amount) {

In this example, we’re creating a custom distribution summary that can be used to track the distribution of a series of values, such as response sizes or calculation results.

Spring Boot Actuator Integration

Spring Boot Actuator is a set of production-ready features that help you monitor and manage your application. Micrometer integrates seamlessly with Actuator, providing a comprehensive view of your application’s metrics.

Enabling Actuator Endpoints
To enable Actuator endpoints, add the following dependency to your project:




implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'

Exposing Endpoints
You can expose various endpoints by configuring your application.properties or application.yml:


Once Actuator is set up, you can access various endpoints like /actuator/health for health checks, /actuator/info for general application info, and /actuator/metrics for detailed metrics information.

Accessing Metrics via Actuator

The /actuator/metrics endpoint exposes a wealth of information. For example, if you want to view your custom counter created earlier, you can access it via:

GET /actuator/metrics/my.counter

This will return JSON data with details about the counter, including its current value and any associated tags.

Monitoring and Visualization

With your metrics now being collected and exposed, you can integrate with monitoring tools like Grafana to visualize and analyze these metrics. For instance, if you’re using Prometheus as your backend, you can set up Grafana to query your Prometheus server and create dashboards showing your application’s performance and health over time.

Customizing Metrics Collection

Having covered the basics of Micrometer, custom metrics creation, and Spring Boot Actuator integration, it’s time to delve into more intricate details of customizing metrics collection to suit your application’s unique requirements.

Meter Filters

Meter filters in Micrometer allow you to modify, transform, or even veto the registration of meters. This is particularly useful when you want to add common tags or perform advanced customizations.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.MeterFilter;

MeterFilter commonTagsMeterFilter() {
return MeterFilter.commonTags(Arrays.asList(Tag.of("application", "my-spring-boot-app")));

This filter adds a common tag with the application name to all metrics, which is helpful when you’re monitoring multiple applications and want to distinguish between them.

Conditional Meter Registration

Sometimes, you might want to register certain meters only if certain conditions are met. You can achieve this by implementing a custom MeterRegistryCustomizer.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.MeterBinder;

MeterRegistryCustomizer<MeterRegistry> conditionalMetrics() {
return registry -> {
if (shouldBeRegistered()) {
MeterBinder binder = ... // create your meter binder

private boolean shouldBeRegistered() {
// logic to determine if the meter should be registered

This customization allows you to conditionally register metrics based on the application state or configuration.

Custom Meter Binders

For more complex scenarios, you can create custom meter binders. A MeterBinder is a component that encapsulates the logic for registering meters.

import io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.MeterBinder;

public class MyCustomMetrics implements MeterBinder {

private final MyService service;

public MyCustomMetrics(MyService service) {
this.service = service;

public void bindTo(MeterRegistry registry) {
Gauge.builder("custom.gauge", service, MyService::getValue)
.description("A custom gauge metric")

This example shows how you can encapsulate the registration of a custom gauge within a MeterBinder.

Performance Considerations

While Micrometer is designed to be efficient, it’s essential to consider the performance implications of your metrics collection, especially in high-throughput applications.

  • Avoid Complex Tags: Complex tags or tags with high cardinality can lead to performance degradation.
  • Limit Precision: For distribution summaries and timers, consider limiting the precision to what’s practically useful.
  • Use Caching: If you’re repeatedly computing the same value for a gauge, consider using caching to avoid unnecessary recalculations.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Use Meaningful Names and Tags: When naming your metrics and tags, use names that clearly describe what they represent. This will make it easier to understand and analyze your metrics.
  2. Avoid Cardinality Explosion: Be cautious with the number of tags and tag values you use. Excessive cardinality can lead to performance issues.
  3. Leverage Default Metrics: Spring Boot and Micrometer provide a host of default metrics. Before creating custom metrics, see if your use case is covered by the defaults.
  4. Monitor Your Monitors: Keep an eye on the performance of your monitoring system. It should not become a bottleneck itself.
  5. Review and Refine: Regularly review your metrics to ensure they are providing value. Refine or remove those that are not useful.

Micrometer in Spring Boot is a robust combination for gaining insights into application performance and behavior. Whether you’re looking to track simple counts or complex distributions, Micrometer’s flexibility and ease of integration with Spring Boot make it an indispensable tool in your developer toolkit.

