Vim for people who use Visual Studio Code

Jared Nutt
Published in
7 min readSep 21, 2019


Hot tips to bring the awesomeness of Visual Studio Code to Vim.

BG photo by Federico Beccari via Unsplash.


I want to start by saying, this is not an editor-shame article. You can use whatever text editor you want. It really doesn’t matter. I’m only writing this because I found a level of productivity in Vim that I haven’t had in any of the editors I used before (Sublime Text, Atom or VSCode).

If you’ve heard about Vim, and want to try it out, I hope this article can provide a bit of familiarity you’d find from VSCode.

Why Vim?

There are lots of reasons to use Vim, so here’s a few of mine.

Keep your hands at 10 and 2

When you are solely using the keyboard, there is going to be an inherent speed…



Jared Nutt

Freelance web developer living in Los Angeles. I write articles I wish I had when I was learning — mostly about Javascript and web development.