What are the basic needs of NFT staking platform development?

Michael Johnn
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2022

The act of holding or staking non-fungible tokens on a specific platform is known as NFT staking. The user can receive rewards that serve as a passive source of income for investors based on variables like Annual Percentage Yield (APY), time duration, and the number of NFTs. Moreover, under the Proof-Of-Stake mechanism, yield farming functions the same way. NFT staking will be yet another important application for NFTs, which have already assumed multiple dimensions. Hence, NFT staking platform development would be an important task in the future.

Why is an NFT Staking Platform needed?

You might naturally believe that there are many other opportunities besides NFTs to stake and earn rewards. But liquidity is the important factor to focus on in this situation. Similar to buying and selling cryptocurrencies, buying and selling NFTs is difficult because each NFT has different properties and price. Therefore, staking adopts the position of an NFT owner in order to gain from owning NFTs. In addition, professional players stake NFTs in metaverse-style gaming platforms to give their virtual characters more strength.

If we take a broader view, the NFT staking platform has the potential to draw investors as well as players, expanding the reach and potential of this kind of platform in the long run.

NFT staking platform: The platform holding NFTs for rewards!

Top Blockchains used for NFT staking platform

Here is the list of blockchains that power the platform:

  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Solana
  • Cardano

The staking platform has had a major impact when it comes to light as it has exceptional benefits. This is also the reason why many companies have started to build NFT staking platforms for a wider range of audiences. However, users may look at certain factors before choosing a platform to stake their NFTs. Do you know what they are?

NFT staking platform factors: showing the way for the users to choose!

The factors considered before choosing a platform to stake

1) Annual NFT staking yield or APY

The passive income gained from staking the NFT is based on the annual percentage yield. In general, rarity plays a significant role in APYs, and these rates frequently change. An NFT staker will, therefore, always favor placing a bet on a protocol that guarantees high interest rates. Although high rates may seem very alluring, the owners of NFT staking platforms must ensure that the APYs are realistic and can be maintained over the long term.

If a user stakes numerous NFTs or stakes NFTs with a high rarity, the protocol may also be set up to increase APY rewards.

2) NFT & Protocol token staking

Some NFT staking platforms only permit NFT staking when the user combines it with protocol tokens.

3) Built-in lending system

Additionally, protocols provide a built-in lending mechanism. As a result, players can rent out the NFTs staked in the protocol for a fee. The protocol then distributes some of this revenue to the NFT stakeholder community.

4) Lockup periods

According to some protocols, users can stake NFTs for an endless lockup period. Others, on the other hand, might limit the lockup time and demand that users re-stake in order to continue receiving rewards.

5) Staking limits

The goal of NFT staking protocols is to restrict the number of NFTs that can be staked or to increase the minimum rarity needed to stake an NFT.

Perks of your platform: Driving the audiences toward a revenue generator!

Business benefits of an NFT Staking Platform

Here are the benefits that a business platform can furnish to keep intact with tbc trend:


The NFT staking platform gives participants and business owners a chance to enjoy tremendous rewards and profits.


To keep participants motivated and encourage them to visit the NFT staking platform more frequently, the staking platform will offer a variety of airdrops.


Platforms for NFT staking are created using blockchain technology. The public can see them as a result, which raises the trust level.


The amount of incentives produced is extraordinary. Due to the positive effects of staking NFTs in the blockchain, this generation is made possible.

The methodology of an NFT skating platform makes enough fortunes!

NFT staking platform : The steps involved in the making

Conducting NFT staking platform development involves the following steps:

  • The first step is to gather the data through primary and secondary research. Then sort them to determine exactly who your target audience is. The NFT space is being investigated during this phase, along with market trends in business.
  • Secondly, choose the most technologically-savvy team possible in order to achieve the desired results, sometimes even more. Utilizing developers and subject matter experts makes the work easier and is beneficial.
  • Thirdly, decide which blockchain will be the best fit for your NFT staking platform.
  • Choose the NFT vertical you want to tokenize.
  • Mention the platform’s authorizations and user roles as well.
  • Prepare the technical platform’s operation design blueprint.
  • Create the best UI/UX for a landing page or interface to impress users and encourage exploration.
  • Design and structure the smart contracts in accordance with the functionality and operation of the staking platform.
  • Use Beta testing to test the application’s usability can help to prevent bugs by repeatedly testing the application.
  • Release the product and deploy the application.

Wrapping up!

NFT staking platform development from top-rated companies gives you an incredible way to reap the rewards. The platform has got you enough benefits, and that is why you need to go for the best service provider. It could be an integral part of your future. So, decide on the platform development and the chain you want to set it up, and then go for the play.



Michael Johnn

I'm just a tech lover who wants to contribute to tech progress.