What is HTTP, HTTP(S), SSL Passthrough, and SSL Termination?


Image Source: https://www.suntech.org.ng/suntech_content/uploads/2018/08/Bennefits-of-SSL.png

In this article, let us see what is HTTP, HTTPS, SSL Passthrough, and SSL Termination. This is a very important topic for all programmers as it covers the basics of a client-server communication

What is HTTP Protocol?

Image Source: https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/webprogramming/images/HTTP_Steps.png

HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is a standard for passing information in a client-server architecture. The HTTP operates in layer 7 of the OSI model and uses port 80. When you open a web browser, you are using HTTP(s) indirectly. It is an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP that forms the foundation of the internet. HTTP 1.1 was introduced in 1997 and HTTP/2 was published in 2015. Both the versions are active now.

This protocol facilitates the exchange of resources between client and server and the resources can be anything like text, image, video, etc. The web browser / mobile apps are the HTTP clients that sends HTTP request to the server’s URL address which in turn converts to an IP after the DNS resolution. In the web server, an HTTP daemon process keeps running to handle the HTTP requests as they arrive. This will process the request and provides the…



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