What is the admin angular template?

Lana Miro
Published in
8 min readMar 23, 2020
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Web applications are a rapidly evolving field of many competing standards that are constantly innovating themselves and building upon their capacities to serve their function better and always to be increasing how much, how fast, and how well they can do things.

As people come to expect more and better behavior from their websites and applications, a high-quality solution stack becomes entirely crucial to the successful deployment of most web-based or app-based software. The admin dashboard template helps out in this task.

What is the admin angular template?

The angular template is a JavaScript open-source front-end web application framework. It is primarily sustained by Google, together with an extended community of people and companies, to approach many of the challenges faced when developing a single page, cross-platform, performant applications. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Angular theme is a great tool that will:

  • Enable you to create software quicker and with less effort.
  • Result in a more maintainable software.
  • Encourage good programming practices and design patterns like MVC.
  • Allow you to collaborate more easily with other people.
  • Allow you to become proficient at a reasonable time.
  • Address problems that may arise in your software architecture such as Dependency Injection, DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), etc.

Templates are used to define a component view. A template looks like regular HTML, but it also has some differences. Code like *ngFor, {{hero.name}}, (click), and [hero] uses Angular template syntax to enhance HTML markup capabilities. Templates can also include custom components like < custom-element > in the form of non-regular HTML tags. These components mix seamlessly with native HTML in the same layouts.

How can I get Angular templates?

The market of admin angular designs are well saturated. Some companies sell templates through marketplaces and many others selling through their stores. If you want to develop applications for large companies, choose an admin panel with a discreet design, excellent customer track record, clear documentation, and fast response time from support. Here are some sources with Angular admin templates that you can use to create an excellent admin panel for your web application.


Here on the TemplateMonster marketplace, you can get affordable digital products, and this offers you the advantage of being able to control the content, look, functionality, or any other aspect. That means you can edit most of it on your own. Features of their templates:

  • Live customizer to choose, What fits your project desires.
  • Well structured code styles
  • Fully responsive and browser compatibility-tested design.
  • Eye-catchy color styles
  • Made for performance and high aesthetic code

Price: starts from $16.


ThemeForest is a part of the Envato Market. At ThemeForest, you can buy and sell website creator templates as well as themes for popular CMS products like WordPress, Joomla, Angular templates, and more. Items are priced on the complexity, quality, and use of the file. Features of their templates:

  • Pure TypeScript.
  • Live customizer to choose what setting your project need.
  • Well, structured code.
  • Fully responsive and browser tested design.
  • Eye-catchy color styles.
  • They are made for performance and high aesthetic code.

Price: starts from $14.


From 2016 WrapPixel now has grown to a full fledge team of 7 members and now dedicatedly focusing on delivering quality bootstrap admin responsive templates, angular admin templates, and web UI kits with fantastic technical support and live chat support. Features of their templates:


Price: starts from $39.


WrapBootstrap is a marketplace where designers can sell their templates and themes based on the Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap has reached wide-spread adoption among developers, and many have expressed their desire for design customization beyond the default styles. Features of their templates:

  • Design quality
  • Code quality
  • Ease of installation
  • Documentation quality

Price: starts at $8.


The most popular admin dashboard based on Angular 8+, Bootstrap 4+, and Nebular with Eva Design System support. Free and Open Source for personal and commercial purposes. Never start from scratch again. Integrate ready-made solution: ngx-admin with backend. Features of their templates:

  • 00+ UI components integrated with backend services
  • Optimized for mobiles
  • Three themes and two dashboards for customization
  • Backend integration bundle kits for .NET, Node.js, Ruby, PHP
  • Ready-to-use solution or add incremental functions

Price: starts from $39.


It’s a startup specialized in building High-Quality UI Kits and Dashboards for Bootstrap. Features of their templates:

  • Ease of installation
  • Documentation quality
  • Number of unique pages
  • updates
  • Quality of support

Price: starts from $49.


CoreUI admin dashboard delivers a bunch of responsive, customizable, and reusable components you need to create modern, beautiful, responsive apps. Features of their templates:

  • Admin Panel Template
  • Easy installation
  • CoreUI 3 Library
  • CoreUI 3 Free Admin Template
  • CoreUI 3 Pro Demo

Price: starts from $49.


Flatlogic creates Web & Mobile Apps from scratch and on top of our Admin Templates for many businesses from various industries using trending Web Technologies and Data Science. Features of their templates:

  • Frontend + Backend nodejs
  • Over 30 unique pages
  • Authentication system
  • Fully responsive
  • Angular 8.0 new
  • Fully Documented Codebase

Price: Starts from $59.95

Angular Template Examples

Guru Able Bootstrap 2 — Angular 4 Pour Typescript Version Admin Template

This item is called the most powerful Bootstrap 4 & Angular 4 template. It comes with impressive functionality and has a lite version. You can try it for free to see how everything works IRL. The package of Guru Able contains 35 demos, including the following:

  • Homepage,
  • Compact Sidebar,
  • Full Angular CLI 4,
  • Menu Various,
  • RLP Demo, etc.

Use these ready-made designs to upload custom content. Or you can create new styles as an alternative. Guru Able provides the user with a fast drag-n-drop editor and a live preview. With it, you can further the site-managing process. Besides, it would be easier for you to avoid making common mistakes. Here are the elements Guru Able has for quick layout creation:

  • 200+ Page Layouts,
  • 1200+ UI Components,
  • 100+ Integrated Plugins,
  • 300+ Widgets,
  • 6 Color Schemes,
  • Dark & Light Modes.

What is more important, Guru Able includes Live Style Switcher. Use the feature to select and tweak page styles in a matter of seconds. This process is as easy as ABC. You won’t need to code or anything like that. By the way, colors are not the only thing you can easily customize with Guru Able. Among the pre-styled theme layouts, there are:

  • Collapse + Box Layout which includes five background patterns,
  • Horizontal Layout with five various options,
  • Dark Layout with rich color options,
  • 150+ Charts & Maps,
  • 50+ Forms,
  • Maintenance Pages,
  • Readable Fonts.

No secret, web users prefer beautifully crafted online projects. You should keep an eye on the latest web design trends to stand out from the crowd. To save your time, Guru Able comes with regular updates. You get them installed automatically once a new feature or add-on appears. It is free.

By purchasing Guru Able, you get a groundbreaking admin panel, which is very easy-to-use. The item pack includes Mega Menu so that you can manage a section of any complicity. It is simple to add images, contact forms, and visual effects to the website menu design. Also, you can use the Dropdown Menu or both of them at once. The last one allows keeping website minimalist when showcasing many details. It improves the site navigation and males your project more visitor-oriented. They say the most critical thing is letting site visitors find the needed page immediately. You can do it and much more with the help of Guru Able.

Jobs App Template

332,5 million was the number of domain name registrations in 2017. Can you imagine how much it increased since then? Any business niche requires a top-notch website today. You must have lots of competitors. That is why it is critical to optimize your website up to their needs.

Still, site-building is not the only way you can stand out from the crowd. There are different mobile app templates to use for a worthy business showcase. Why may you want to use one of them? Check out the data below.

  1. 2.7 billion is the number of smartphone users globally.
  2. Phone apps are expected to generate nearly $190 billion in revenue by 2020.
  3. Google Play Store has 2.8 million apps to download.
  4. AppStore has 2.2 million apps available to install.
  5. Half of Millennials open applications at least 50 times daily.
  6. 49% of all users visit apps 11+ times every day.
  7. The average person uses 30 mobile apps monthly.

This template is much more than just a promo tool. One can build a lightweight and robust app with the item. Same to online projects, the mobile app should also be user-friendly if you want it to have an audience. These are the pages you get ready-made inside the template’s pack.

  1. Login & Registration — this is a must-have page with all the needed SM buttons.
  2. Home Page — the page allows searching for jobs by skill. Let your visitors find openings rapidly by using keywords.
  3. List Page & Filter. The layout comes with time stickers and job info preview.
  4. Details Page & Saved Jobs.
  5. Post Job — use the feature to post a new job with all available requirements.
  6. Apply Page — this one is for adding a CV.

As expected, the template is viewer-friendly. It comes with a Side Menu, which is simple to navigate. Users will be able to open your app on any phone screen, thanks to a 100% responsive interface. Here are some of the features you get with the product:

  • Animations,
  • Camera plugin,
  • 9+ Screens,
  • Complete color schemes,
  • Flat design,
  • Optimized source code,
  • Versatile layout.

Besides, you get fonts, icons, and buttons. All of these components are ready-made and come with super-rich customization settings. By the way, the product also comes with regular updates. They are FREE and have automatic installations. Don’t hesitate to view the live demo.



Lana Miro

I’m passionate about website design & development. Working as Content Manager at @Crocoblock. Here is my Twitter account: @Lana_Miro