Why Python Programming Language is important in Data Science?

Aakash Kumar
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2020

Python for Data Science

Before beginning in Data science, there would be one question that strikes the mind of an aspiring data scientist ‘Which is the most well-known language utilized by data scientists?’. There are many programming languages that are utilized by data scientists like Python, R, C++. But Python holds a unique place among all.

Python is an object-oriented, open-source, adaptable and simple to learn programming language. It has a rich arrangement of libraries and tools that makes the assignments simple for Data scientists.

Additionally, Python has an enormous community base where engineers and data scientists can solicit their queries and answer questions from others. Data science as services have been utilizing Python for quite a while and it will keep on being the top choice for Data scientists and Developers.

Everything you need to know about Python Programming!

Python Programming Language: An Overview

Python has been around since the late 80s and has developed from solidarity to quality from that point forward. Today, this significant level programming language is utilized in software development, mobile application development, web development, and in the examination and registering of numeric and scientific data.

You’ll be amazed to realize that major online platforms, for example, Google, Dropbox, Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify — all were worked with Python.

Python was first used for automating redundant tasks, prototyping applications, and the usage of those applications in different languages. It is comparatively easier to learn and comprehend, on account of the spotless and straightforward code and broad documentation. More fascinating than Python can be utilized in non-technical fields like business and advertising too, helping experts with data analysis.

Features of Python

A portion of the significant highlights of Python are:

1. Python is a progressively typed language, so the variables are defined automatically.

2. Python is more readable and uses lesser code to play out a similar task when contrasted with other programming languages.

3. Python is specifically typed. In this way, developers need to cast types manually.

4. Python is an interpreted language. This implies the program need not have complied.

5. Python is flexible, convenient and can run on any platform effectively. It is adaptable and can be integrated with other third-party software effectively.

Importance of Python :

Data science consulting organizations are empowering their group of developers and data scientists to utilize Python as a programming language. Python has gotten well known and the most significant programming language in an extremely brief timeframe.

Data Scientists need to manage a large amount of data known as big data. With simple utilization and a huge arrangement of python libraries, Python has become a popular choice to deal with big data.

Let us discuss the importance of Python in Data Science in detail:

Easy to Use:

Python is easy to use and has a fast learning curve. New data scientists can easily learn Python with its simple to utilize syntax and better comprehensibility. Python additionally gives a lot of data mining tools that help in better handling of the data. For example, Rapid Miner, Weka, Orange, and so on.

Python is significant for data scientists since it has many useful and easy to use libraries like Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Tensorflow, and many more.

Concepts that a skilled Python Programmer must be well acquainted with

Python is Flexible :

Python not only lets you create software but also enables you to deal with the analysis, computing of numeric and logical data, and web development.

Indeed, Python has additionally become ubiquitous on the web, controlling various prominent websites with Web development frameworks like TurboGears, Django, and Tornado.

It is perfect for developers who have the talent for application and web development. No big surprise, most Data Scientists favor this to the next programming alternatives available in the market.

Python builds better analytics tools:

Data analytics is a necessary part of data science. Data analytics tools give information about different frameworks that are important to assess the performance in any business. Python programming language is the best choice for building data analytics tools.

Python can easily provide better knowledge, get examples and correlate data from big datasets. Python is additionally significant in self-service analytics. Python has likewise helped the data mining organizations to all the more likely to handle the data for their sake.

Python is significant for Deep Learning:

Python has a lot of packages like Tensorflow, Keras, and Theano that is assisting data scientists with developing deep learning algorithms. Python gives superior help with regard to deep learning algorithms.

Deep learning algorithms were inspired by the human brain architecture. It manages to build artificial neural networks that reenact the conduct of the human mind. Deep learning neural networks give weight and biasing to different input parameters and give the desired output.

Huge community base:

Python has a gigantic community base of engineers and data scientists like Python.org, Fullstackpython.com, realpython.com, etc. Python developers can impart their issues and thoughts to the community. Python Package Index is an extraordinary place to explore the different skylines of the Python Programming language. Python developers are continually making enhancements in the language that is helping it to turn out to be better over time.


Python in Data science has empowered the data scientists to accomplish more in less time. Python is an adaptable programming language that can be effectively understood and is exceptionally amazing as well.

Python is highly adaptable and can work in any environment effectively. Additionally, with negligible changes, it can run on any operating system and can be integrated with other programming languages. These qualities have settled on Python the top choice for developers & data scientists.

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Aakash Kumar

Data science enthusiast, focusing on applying machine learning algorithms to generate actionable insights