Write Cleaner, More Efficient Java Code with JEP 455

Amit Himani
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2024

Have you ever felt like Java’s pattern matching features were missing something? Like, what if you could use them with those basic data types you use all the time, like numbers and characters?

JEP 455, a hotshot new feature on the horizon, is here to enhance your coding experience. Imagine working with integers, floats, and characters without the clunky instanceof checks and explicit casts. Sounds pretty cool, right? This isn’t just developer hype — JEP 455 is officially on track to be included in the upcoming Java Development Kit (JDK) 23. So, get ready to unlock a smoother, more efficient way to work with your data!

This Enhancement Proposal (JEP455) aims to enhance developer productivity by introducing more concise and efficient mechanisms for working with primitive types in Java. It proposes enabling:

  • More readable instanceof check: Developers can directly test and convert between different primitive types (e.g., int, byte, float) without the verbose syntax traditionally required. This eliminates the need for manual range checks and explicit casting, simplifying code and reducing potential errors.

Readable switch: This proposal elevates switch expressions by enabling them to directly operate on primitive type patterns, leading to both cleaner and more expressive code. Traditionally, working with different primitive types within switch statements often involved convoluted logic and verbose syntax. JEP 455 simplifies this process by allowing direct pattern matching against primitive types.


JEP 455 stands as a testament to Java’s continuous evolution, offering developers a powerful tool to express their logic with clarity and efficiency. By seamlessly integrating primitive type patterns across all relevant contexts, this proposal not only streamlines syntax for diverse data types but also harmonizes type-checking mechanisms, leading to a smoother and more intuitive coding experience.



Amit Himani

Cloud Architect with 15 years of experience. I enjoy reading about emerging technologies, staying up-to-date on tech and sharing with others through this blog